Source: The National Herald BY CONSTANTINE S. SIRIGOS NEW YORK – Archimandrite Vasileios, former Abbot of the Iveron Monastery of Mouth Athos, was the keynote speaker at the annual celebration of Greek letters on the occasion of the Feast Day of the Three Hierarchs presented by the Archdiocese of America. Guests were welcomed to the nave of Holy Trinity by the Dean of the Cathedral, Fr. John Vlahos after a performance of the Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir. Archbishop Demetrios offered closing remarks. The feast day of the three fathers of the Orthodox Church, St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory the Theologian…
Browsing: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese
Source: By Whitney Evans MURRAY — A group labeling itself “progressive” voted Saturday to create an additional parish in the Salt Lake Valley. A little more than 100 people gathered at Hillcrest Junior High, 156 E. 5600 South, to create the Greek Orthodox Mission Parish Saturday. The majority voted in the affirmative. “This is your chance to do it right, to do what you’ve learned over the years and to do it with a fresh start,” Father Luke Uhl, chancellor for Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, told those gathered. If contentions arise, “Resolve them in love,” he advised, possibly alluding…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – More than 2,000 people gathered yesterday Oct. 18, 2014 at 130 Liberty Street, the new site for Saint Nicholas National Shrine at the World Trade Center, for the historic event of the Blessing of the Ground and the symbolic “laying of the corner stone.” The small and humble church of Saint Nicholas was the only house of worship destroyed in the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. The new Greek Orthodox Saint Nicholas National Shrine Church, designed by world-renowned Architect Santiago Calatrava, is expected to begin construction this year and to…
by Steven P. Stamatis Repeated calls from Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) for Orthodox Unity often results in gatherings to discuss Unity and the need for a Great and Holy Church Council. The participating hierarchy who usually attend include the Serbian Orthodox, Romanian Orthodox, Antiochian Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and other dignitaries from the Orthodox landscape. Conspicuously absent almost every time are the Greeks. The Greek Orthodox hierarchy continues to abstain from these “unauthorized,” laity-driven pan-Orthodox discussions and remains silent in the sidelines. Claims of “Royal Priesthood” status notwithstanding, these Metropolitans do not recognize the laity’s authority to convene such discussions. Furthermore, they,…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The theme of the 42nd Clergy Laity Congress, “The Orthodox Christian Family: A Dwelling of Christ and A Witness of His Gospel,” is very appropriate for us in this time of transition. For it is truly within the home that the Orthodox faith will be learned, survive and grow by the example and actions of each of us. However, for many, parish life and archdiocesan settings are an antithesis to the theme of the 42nd Congress. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE On September 18, 1999, His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios was enthroned as the sixth Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox…
Source: The National Herald by Constantine S. Sirigos – TNH Staff NEW YORK – It was an evening rich in expressions of both pride and humility. On November 18, in a simple but moving ceremony in Fordham University’s venerable Keating Hall, Professor Aristotle Papanikolaou was installed as the inaugural holder of the Archbishop Demetrios Chair in Orthodox Theology and Culture, the first university-endowed chair dedicated to Orthodox Christianity in North America. The presence or Archbishop Demetrios of American, who offered closing remarks and the benediction, and the President of Fordham University, Rev. Joseph M. McShane, S.J. , reinforced by an…
Source: The National Herald To the Editor: A report of an interview given by Pope Francis to an Italian journalist was recently published in the International Herald Tribune. Although the pope was speaking of the Roman Curia and the Catholic Church, his comments accurately described the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (GOA). In the interview, the Pope called the church “overly clerical and insular, interested in temporal power”. He pointed out that the “heads of the church have often been narcissists, flattered and thrilled by their courtiers.” As for the Roman Curia he said: “The court is the leprosy of…
Source: The National Herald To the Editor [of the National Herald]: Dwayne Templeton asks many poignant questions, but the thought of bishops from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America answering any of them as he suggests in his Letter to the Editor (Jul. 4) [also printed below] is laughable. There are reasons Greek-Americans do not attend church regularly, especially those that are between the ages of 25-55. I often broach that subject when meeting with Greeks at conferences, social events, etc. A vast majority from within that age group, no matter where they may be from believe as a matter…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America WASHINGTON – His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America participated today in the National Inaugural Prayer Service in the Capital’s National Cathedral with President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and the Members of the U.S. Congress in attendance. As it has been the case in previous Presidential Inaugurations, the Archbishop was among the select national religious leaders participating in this service. The National Prayer Service is a tradition dating back to the Inauguration of George Washington. To Watch the C-SPAN video of the Prayer Service go to: (for His Eminence particiapation forward to…
Source: The National Herald by Evan C. Lambrou Special to The National Herald NEW YORK – After Hurricane Sandy devastated the East Coast at the end of last month, the most respected philanthropic agencies across the country mobilized to help millions of people who were left without power, and the many thousands whose homes were completely destroyed by wind and water. Among those respected agencies is International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), the philanthropic arm of the Orthodox Church in America, and the world’s only transnational Orthodox Christian charity. Other Greek-American organizations have also gotten behind efforts to help people impacted…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America ARCHBISHOP DEMETRIOS VISITS STORM RAVAGED AREAS IN STATEN ISLAND, NY NEW YORK – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America establishes the Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund and designates Sunday November 11, 2012 as a day of prayer and offering on behalf of the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Archbishop Demetrios of America, on behalf of the Holy Eparchial Synod, issued today an Encyclical (click here) in which he calls upon all the faithful throughout the Church in America to pray fervently for comfort from above. We offer prayers of remembrance for those who perished and of…
Research by Rev. Fr. Charles Joanides, Ph.D., LMFT indicates an alarming demographic trend in American Orthodoxy that applies to all jurisdictions: we are losing our youth. Below are presentations and links to more articles where Fr. Joanides quantifies these trends and suggest how ministry to interfaith couples is essential for the future viability of Orthodoxy in America. Most of the information can be found on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese website and deals with trends in the GOA. Nevertheless, it is clear that the decline in young people in American Orthodoxy affects more than the GOA. Presentation to Leadership 100 Part…