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Source: Pro Oriente Successful conclusion of the conference “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Orthodox Church” – PRO ORIENTE President Kloss and Director Destivelle promote a positive summary. An international conference ended in Rome this weekend, that focused on Orthodox theologies, practices, and experiences of synodality, aiming at making these experiences accessible for the synodal process of the Catholic Church. The organizers of the conference “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Orthodox Church” were the Vienna-based PRO ORIENTE Foundation and the Institute for Ecumenical Studies (IES) of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in…

Source: Orthodox Christianity Jamaica – The mission parishes of the Jamaican Orthodox Mission have voted to join the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and are in the process of being received. The mission initially began on April 24, 2015, as the Holy Orthodox Archdiocese in Jamaica—a Vicariate of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Mexico of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. The mission was established in response to the efforts of a young Jamaican, Moses Myers, a former member of a Pentecostal Holiness denomination who converted to Orthodoxy in March 2014. As Myers told OrthoChristian.com, the Jamaican Mission consists of two…

Source: Road to Emmaus Journal Turbo Qualls is almost an Orthodox urban legend in himself, cropping up in conversations and interviews across the United States, Europe and even in Russia as a missionary, lover of the Gospel, Byzantine historian, and an Orthodox rock of faith for 21st-century subculture youth searching for truth. Here, Road to Emmaus queries Turbo about what we can do to better engage folks of minority ethnic and social backgrounds who find themselves attracted to traditional Christianity. RTE: Turbo, why do you think we Orthodox aren’t attracting more folks of different ethnic, racial, and cultural backgrounds, particularly our large populations of American blacks…

Source: St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church, Boca Raton FL “Ministry” is from the Greek word diakoneo, meaning “to serve”.  Our Pastors spend their lives in ministry but are not the only ones called into the Lord’s service.  We as the Laity also have a responsibility to obey the Lord’s commands and follow His examples to bring others to Him.  Our priests, Fr. Mark and Fr. Steven, appealed to parishioners to join them in a formalized Outreach Ministry Committee to explore ways to increase the witness of our Faith. A small group of us took up the challenge. We held our…

MISSION Advocate for a Unified, Canonical. Autocephalous Orthodox Church in the United States that is accountable, transparent in administrative matters and respects the role of the laity in the governance of the Church. UNITY * TRANSPARENCY *   ACCOUNTABILITY * INVOLVED LAITY BECOME A MEMBER A tax deductible donation of $50.00 enables you to be a member.  Visit our web site: www.ocl.org Click on the “Sign up for the OCL Newsletter” link to receive regular updates. Consider becoming a Grassroots local parish unity advocate.  OCL will put you in touch with other parish advocates. Learn more about OCL, and if you…

Source: Pravoslavie.ru The contribution of the Orthodox Church in realizing peace, justice, freedom, fraternity and love between peoples, and in the removal of racial and other discriminations. For God so loved the world that he gave his Only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (Jn 3:16). The Church of Christ exists in the world, but is not of the world (cf. Jn 17:11, 14-15). The Church as the Body of the incarnate Logos of God (John Chrysostom, Homily before Exile, 2 PG 52, 429) constitutes the living “presence” as the sign and image…

Source: Public Orthodoxy by Rev. Dr. Radu Bordeianu, Will Cohen, Rev. Dr. Nicholas Denysenko, Brandon Gallaher, Rev. Dr. D. Oliver Herbel, and Kerry San Chirico Among the issues to be heard by the Orthodox Churches at the June 2016 Great and Holy Council in Crete is the situation of the Orthodox diaspora. The Council will be working with the document on the diaspora promulgated by the fourth pre-conciliar gathering in Chambésy in June 2009. This document called for a swift canonical resolution to the current organization of the Church in the regions of the diaspora so it accords with Orthodox…

Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA]  The Orthodox Church in America, in partnership with the Florida-based Orthodox Christian Mission Center, will be hosting a mission teaching team to San Esteban and Pisaflores in the OCA Diocese of Mexico June 20-27, 2015. “Both Pisaflores and San Esteban are villages of native Aztec Orthodox Christians nine hours northwest of Mexico City,” said Archpriest Ted Pisarchuk.  “In both villages, the homes are of simple concrete block construction with corrugated metal roofs and do not have running water or indoor bathroom facilities.  Horses and burros are main forms of transportation. The people…