Anastasia Tsotsoura suddenly fell asleep in the Lord on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. We learned of her passing on the day of her funeral, May 25, which took place at Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Whitestone, New York. She is resting next to her beloved husband Soterios in Flushing Cemetery. They were both devoted Orthodox Christians and founding members of Orthodox Christian Laity. Her passions were her family, her faith and painting. She touched so many of us with her example of being pure in heart – a woman of noble character. She personifies the example of a wife and…
Browsing: Orthodox Christian Laity
by George Matsoukas, Executive Director of Orthodox Christian Laity The Orthodox Christian Church is in the Paschal Season. Having attended the many services of preparation for the Resurrection of Christ and as we await Pentecost, we know that the Holy Spirit is present everywhere and that brothers and sisters must dwell together in unity, which is the Christian norm. During this season, we must continue to pray that the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops finds the humility to move ahead with their work of developing the blueprint and foundation for a unified Church in the United States. We must pray…
The OCL Board of Directors will be meeting in Franklin, Tennessee on April 10-12, 2013. They will be attending the Pre-sanctified Liturgy on Wednesday Evening, April 10, at the new St. Ignatius Church and will discuss the work of OCL and the Progress of the Assembly of Bishops at the fellowship supper. The board will conduct its business meeting Thursday and Friday. President Susan Haikalis is presiding. Franklin TN is the home parish of Advisory Board Member Father Gordon Walker, and it will be an honor to be with him in his home community. OCL’s focus this year is helping the faithful understand that…
Commemorated February 26 St. Photini’s Life The New Testament describes the familiar account of the “woman at the well” (John 4:5-42), who was a Samaritan. Up to that point she had led a sinful life, one which resulted in a rebuke from Jesus Christ. However, she responded to Christ’s stern admonition with genuine repentance, was forgiven her sinful ways, and became a convert to the Christian Faith – taking the name ‘Photini’ at Baptism, which literally means “the enlightened one”. A significant figure in the Johannine community, the Samaritan Woman, like many other women, contributed to the spread of Christianity.…
Our Logo CHRIST CENTERED At the center of the logo is a cross. It represents OCL’s commitment to keep the gospel of Christ and His Church at the center of the organization’s ministry efforts. The cross is the compass for the organization, steering it toward ministry opportunities that elevate the gospel and strengthen the Church. UNITY The silhouette of the circle reiterates that the church is and must be one, just as Christ has one body, undivided. The concept of oneness permeates every part of the organization’s mission and ministry. Most explicitly, the organization’s promotion of jurisdictional unity in North…
As the year comes to an end, we wish you a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! The December Issue of Estiator “The Restaurateur” Magazine (, an excellent monthly trade publication of the Greek-American Food Industry, published and edited by Peter S. Makrias and designed and produced by Vicky Tsavalias, carries an article (“Orthodox Christian Laity Celebrates 25 Years of Service”) summarizing the outstanding Program celebrated at the end of October in honor of Orthodox Christian Laity’s 25th Anniversary. The high point of the Anniversary Year is the “Gramota” (Official Certificate of Merit) signed by the Synod of Bishops…
Click on the image to the left to view the Gramota given by the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America to Orthodox Christian Laity in recognition of OCL’s 25th Anniversary. The text of the Gramota reads: By the Grace of God, We wish to express our Archpastoral Love and Gratitude by invoking God’s blessings upon the founders, officers and members of Orthodox Christian Laity Organization in recognition of twenty five years of dedicated service to Christ’s Church in North America. Presented October 27, 2012. Signed: +NATHANIEL, Archbishop of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate; +NIKON, Archbishop of…
All panel discussions may be viewed here:
Source: The National Herald TNH staff WASHINGTON, DC – Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) an organization that promotes “Orthodox unity and lay involvement in Church life” in the US and Canada, held its 25th Anniversary in Washington, D.C. October 25-27 with a focus on the Orthodox Christian experience in America and the pressing need for Orthodox unity among its various jurisdictions. William Souvall, out-going President of OCL, explained, “we have assembled a wide arrange of Orthodox hierarchy, clergy and laity who [examined] the Orthodox Christian experience in America and suggest various visions for the future. OCL strongly believes and has advocated…
Susan W. Haikalis of Walnut Creek, California was elected President of the Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) at their 25th Annual Conference in Washington DC this month. Ms. Haikalis is a convert to Orthodoxy and has been involved in a number of groups supporting Administrative Unity of Orthodox Jurisdictions in the US. She participated in Boston with the original GOAL organization and has actively participated in attending OCL meetings for the past 15 years both contributing to discussions and educational programs as well as supporting her husband, Peter Haikalis, in his own leadership in OCL. Ms. Haikalis strongly believes that achieving…
Source: Christian Newswire WASHINGTON, Oct. 20, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ — Orthodox Christian Laity will hold its 25th Anniversary in Washington, D.C., October 25-27 with a focus on the Orthodox Christian experience in America and the pressing need for Orthodox unity among its various jurisdictions. “We have assembled a wide arrange of Orthodox hierarchy, clergy and laity who will examine the Orthodox Christian experience in America and suggest various visions for the future. OCL strongly believes and has advocated during its 25 year history that an essential part of any future vision must include unification of the Orthodox faithful in our…