Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: Daily Beast How a priceless Russian icon—said to be painted by St. Luke himself—evaded the Bolsheviks and the Nazis to land in a charming Chicago church designed by a world-famous architect. WILLIAM O’CONNOR The Tikhvin Icon has traveled through history and across the globe on an arduous journey few pieces of art can claim to match. A portrait of the Virgin Mother said to be painted by the divine hand of St. Luke himself, the icon is one of the world’s most precious religious objects. According to legend, over the centuries it eluded capture by the Turks, the Swedes,…

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Source: Crux Carol Glatz, Catholic News Service ROME – Seeking Christian unity is more urgent than ever because of the ongoing persecution of Christians, Pope Francis told an Orthodox leader. Meeting with Metropolitan Rastislav, primate of the Orthodox Church in the Czech and Slovak Republics, the pope said the “suffering of many brothers and sisters persecuted because of the Gospel urgently calls us to act in seeking greater unity.” The primate met with the pope at the Vatican May 11 as part of a May 9-12 pilgrimage to Rome; during his visit he also met with Cardinal Kurt Koch, president…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON – His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was taken to the American Hospital in Constantinople on Sunday afternoon of May 6th, after he felt intense dizziness, possibly vertigo. He remained in the hospital overnight as a precaution and after the appropriate examinations he was released on Monday, May 7 and is now at home. Bartholomew I (born on February 29, 1940) is the 270th and current Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch, since 2 November 1991. He is widely regarded as the primus inter pares (first among equals) in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and as the spiritual leader of…

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Source: Acton Institute BY BRUCE EDWARD WALKER Sacred music is not only a devotional exercise composed and performed to honor our Creator but also a bulwark against human sinfulness and frailties. Composer Arvo Pärt has been creating music of faith that inspires while at the same time subverts several of the most oppressive systems of government of the past century. The composer’s lifelong development as a professional composer also led him to a deeper faith. He converted to Orthodox Christianity in 1972. Theologian Peter Bouteneff observed that Pärt is frequently connected with the sacred life. “Although the composer’s religious affiliation is…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity We are entering the month of May, and we are about 9 to 12 weeks away from the National Assemblies of three different Orthodox Christian Groups in the USA.  The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese (GOA) will hold its 44th Clergy-Laity Congress in Boston on July 1-5.  The 19th All- American Council of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA) will take place in St. Louis on July 23-27.  The 93rd Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) will take place in   conjunction with the All-American Council.   If in fact, as Jesus Christ said, “all things are possible to…

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Source: Public Orthodoxy by the St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess Board: AnnMarie Mecera, President; Caren Stayer, Ph.D.; Gust Mecera; Teva Regule, Ph.D.; Carrie Frederick Frost, Ph.D.; Helen Theodoropoulos, Ph.D. Originally posted on April 17, 2018 The St. Phoebe Center for the Deaconess advocates for the reinstitution of the ordained order of deaconesses for the benefit of the Orthodox Church today. We also appreciate that this is a significant issue that prompts a range of opinions, and we consider it to be part of our work to promote empirically grounded conversation.[1] Unfortunately, distortions and misrepresentations of the historical record, as well…

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Source: Kathimerini Cyprus Elena Frantzi’s foster dad priest defrocked by Holy Synod after public outcry following her death The Holy Synod [of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus] decided unanimously on Wednesday to defrock the priest who was convicted in 2015 for sexually assaulting Elena Frantzi, the 29-year-old woman whose recent death shocked the public and left church and state scramble for answers. The decision was taken unanimously by the 18 members of the Holy Synod, after the case against the priest of Tamasos and Orinis was brought back by the bishop of that diocese. The priest served 18 months in…

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Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has reprimanded Church of Bulgaria Patriarch Neophyte for supporting a breakaway church in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) as “Macedonian,” with Greece still trying to settle a 26-year-long dispute with that country over what its name should be. The strongly worded statement by Bartholomew, spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, came after the Bulgarian Church agreed to acknowledge and be the “mother church” of “Macedonia,” which is considered “schismatic” by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul. “The action of the sister church of Bulgaria was wrong. It complicates…

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Source: L’Agence France-Presse (AFP)Thomas Coex Jerusalem — When you’re a journalist who works and lives in Jerusalem, you know that religious conflict is an important story. There’s so much tension here. You see it every day. We’re never far from a new conflict throughout the whole city. Jerusalem is quite a unique place — it is the only place in the world that is holy to the three monotheistic religions — Judaism, Christianity and Islam. When the city announced on a recent Sunday that they would start taxing the Church, all the church aides had a big press conference to say that…

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Source: Ahval News The Orthodox Christian community of Turkey has moved to show its support to the country’s armed forces, which launched a military campaign, “Operation Olive Branch”, against armed Kurdish groups in northwestern Syria on Jan. 20. Although the vast majority of Turkey’s population is Muslim, the country’s geography and history hold an important place for Christianity. Some of the most important locations for Eastern Orthodox Christians lie in Turkey, including the seat of the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I, in Istanbul. Bartholomew I expressed his support for Turkey’s military operation in a letter to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Dr. Frances Kostarelos, PhD., is Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, Governors State University, University Park, Illinois. She has written on issues related to religion and has served as a program evaluator for the Lilly Endowment grant awarded to Hellenic College for several years. CLICK HERE to read: RELIGIOUS PLURALISM, FUNDAMENTALISM AND CONTESTED IDENTITIES IN NORTH AMERICAN ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS LIFE: The Case of the Greek Orthodox Church in America.

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