Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: Read Part 1 here, Part 2 here and Part 3 here. by Frank Marangos D.Min., Ed.D. “Happy is that house which is visited by some royal personage. But more happy is the soul that is visited by the Queen of the world, the most holy Mary, who cannot but fill with mercies and graces those blessed souls whom she deigns to visit with her favors.” ~ Saint Alphonsus de’ Liguori In 626, while the Byzantine Emperor Heracleios was on a military expedition, a barbaric horde laid siege upon his territory’s defenseless capital. In desperation, the outnumbered citizens of Constantinople turned to…

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Source: Moscow, April 10, 2017 Known to millions as the “Bible Answer Man,” 77-year-old Hank Hanegraaff and his wife were received into the Orthodox Church this year on the great feast of Palm Sunday, at St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church in Charlotte, NC. Mr. Hanegraaff can be seen kneeling with a lit candle under a priest’s epitrachelion in the picture to the right. His wife’s hands can be seen as well. The picture originates from the Facebook page of the parish, but has been removed after an influx of comments, including negative remarks from those who appreciated Hanegraaff’s work…

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Source: Read Part 1 here and Part 2 here by Frank Marangos D.Min., Ed.D. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”  –  Mark Twain While visiting a small coastal village, an American banker complemented a local Mexican fisherman on his successful catch. “How long did it take you?” asked the banker, ogling several large yellow-fin tunas lying in the man’s small boat. “Just a few hours,” answered the young fisherman. “I always stop when I have enough to support my family’s needs.” “But what do you do…

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Source: According to the Greek site, more than fifty Athonite monastic kalyves and cells have ceased commemoration of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, as reported by a monk of one of these cells. These small monastic dwellings have taken this step in response to the “ecumenical course” of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, especially following last June’s “Great and Holy Council” which gathered representatives of ten of the fifteen autocephalous Local Orthodox Churches, producing documents that several Synods, hierarchs, clergy, theologians, and monastics have taken issue with. As previously reported, prominent theologian Archpriest Theodore Zisis announced on the Sunday…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago QUESTION/ANSWER SESSION WILL FEATURING INDIVIDUALS INTERVIEWED FOR DOCUMENTARY WHEATON, IL: The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago is honored to join with Wheaton College to offer a FREE Public Screening of the new documentary “Modern Christian Martyrs” on March 29, 2017, at 7:00pm in Blanchard Hall, room 339, on the campus of Wheaton College. A Question/Answer Session will follow featuring Greek Orthodox Bishop Demetrios of Mokissos, Antiochian Orthodox Father Nicholas Dahdal, and Robert Sweise of the Chicago Chapter of In Defense of Christians, all of whom are in the documentary. This FREE event which is…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University Fordham University Orthodox Christian Center Co-Directors George Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou gave a series of lectures last year at the Eagle River Institute of Orthodox Christian Studies in Eagle River, Alaska. Professor Demacopoulos’s lecture “Tradition Without Fundamentalism: Part 1” is now available for listening. To learn more about this topic, please read Professor Demacopoulos’s essay “Orthodox Fundamentalism” on the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese blog and listen to the follow-up podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, “Orthodox Fundamentalism: What is it and does it exist?” The podcast has also been translated into Russian. Discussion surrounding Professor…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos It has come to our attention that word has been circulating that the Archdiocese is thinking of electing new auxiliary Bishops “in order to take care of some celibate priests.” The last was Bishop Apostolos of Medeia, who was elected in November, 2014, and who currently serves as Chancellor to Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco. Let me remind everyone that it was Gerasimos who recommended and propelled him initially, but now his is pulling his hair out about that, to the point that he asked for Apostolos’ removal as TNH revealed last November.…

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Source: The National Herald By Dennis Menos The fact that the Orthodox Church is fragmented and operates without centralized control is well known. The Holy and Great Pan-Orthodox Council held last year in Crete provided ample proof. The Orthodox Church is a consortium of 14 Autocephalous (self- governing) Churches. Each operates independently of the others, but remains in full communion with them on matters of faith, sacraments, and canonical discipline. Governance in each case is by a Primate, selected by the Church’s Synod of Bishops. There is no “head” as such of the Orthodox Church to whom he and the…

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Source: by Frank Marangos D.Min., Ed.D. “I am the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Psalms 81:10 Last week, Christians throughout the globe began their respective Paschal journeys. While Catholics marked the official start of their Lenten pilgrimage on Ash Wednesday, Orthodox Christians inaugurated their 40-day preparation for Easter on Clean Monday – a day set aside for “cleaning out” (eliminating) unhealthy food, thoughts, resentments, and habits from their homes, minds, bodies, and souls.  Apart from inviting the faithful to a period of fasting, repentance,…

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Source: New Ostrog by Archbishop Lazar Puhalo Today, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we celebrate more than the “Triumph of the Sacred Icons.” We rejoice in the  redemption of the whole cosmos. We fill our hearts with love and hope in our Saviour Who has restored our wholeness of being, and brought us back to the destiny for which we were created. At the heart of the struggle to restore the use of icons in the Church, after the long and brutal period of iconoclasm (the battle against sacred icons), is the truth of the Incarnation of God the Word, and…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity On February 11, 2017, Orthodox Christian Laity sponsored an Open Forum at St. Paul Orthodox Church in Las Vegas NV, led by Dr. Gayle Woloschak. She presented her reflections on the Holy and Great Council held in Crete in 2016 in her capacity as a member of the organizing committee of the Council. Dr. Woloschak is Professor of Radiation Oncology, Radiology, and Cell and Molecular Biology at the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University. She also holds a DMin from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Eastern Christian Studies and is adjunct faculty at Lutheran School of Theology, Pittsburgh…

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