Browsing: Orthodox Study Bible

Orthodox Christian Laity | John Collis, M.D. This essay is about an outstanding person and friend, Father Peter Gillquist. Phenomenal goals and amazing achievements characterize this devoted individual. For much of his life, Father Peter struggled with physical pain, yet accomplishing more than imaginable. Before my completing this paper, he suddenly became critically ill and died. This essay is about Father Peter Gillquist – a minister, a priest, an apostle, a bible scholar, a friend. I. Saint Paul the Apostle Paul was born in the Greek city of Tarsus. His parents gave him the Hebrew name Saul, in honor of…

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Source: Musings from the Fourth Rome Fr. Peter E. Gillquist, a retired clergyman of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America, fell asleep in the Lord last night [July 1, 2012] at the age of seventy-three. Born into a Lutheran family, the future priest went on after university to become a full-time staff member of the Evangelical Protestant Campus Crusade for Christ, eventually becoming one of the organization’s regional directors. He also worked as a senior editor for Thomas Nelson Publishers, being involved in the 1970s on the overview committee for the New King James Version Bible. While still working…

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