Browsing: spiritual abuse

by John A. Monaco In May 2018, I graduated with my Master of Divinity, and immediately following the graduation ceremony, I boarded a plane to Rome, where I intended to undergo the 30-day Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Although I had attended a renowned Jesuit university with one of the largest Jesuit communities in the United States, I chose to go to Rome to do the Exercises because the retreat director was an “orthodox” Jesuit, one who was not afraid to speak “the truth” and one who despised the way “liberals” had destroyed the Society of Jesus. As…

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Source: Seeds of Hope – Orthodox Christian Healing and Counseling Malicious misconduct by an ecclesiastical leader manifests in many ways – emotionally, sexually, or financially.  An abusive bishop, metropolitan, or clergy exploits their authority in ways that manipulate and control a Believer. A spiritual leader abuses in multiple ways to cover their own rooted hurt failings. Lacking reconciliation themselves, their own weaknesses and unrepentant actions are exposed by unleashing and inflicting untold harm onto an innocent person. The abused absorbs this destructive mistreatment, neither aware, nor understanding why a  leader would inflict this harm onto them. Spiritual abuse is based…

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Source: Seeds of Hope Spiritual/Clergy abuse occurs when a person in authority fosters a sense of guilt in people in order to manipulate or control them. If a person in ecclesiastical authority has a false sense of himself, his poor self-esteem gets expressed through a distorted understanding of his role and position. Jesus warned us about this. We read in Matthew 20:25-26 these words: But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among…

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