Source: The National Herald
To the Editor,
I read again and again the open letter that Elaine Jaharis wrote to “All” and published in the National Herald on July 1. And I read it many times because this is not just a “letter.” This is a homily, this is a sermon, this is a wake-up κήρυγμα that should be read from the pulpit, from the amvona to all the parishioners every Sunday from every priest and every hierarch. The Ephraimite teachings are not the Orthodox Monasticism as we know it, it is not even Christian. It is a devious medieval doctrine that insists in the total obedience to Ephraim and snuffs out our pure, our chaste faith to the crucified for us Son of God Jesus Christ. It is a malignant growth, a “morphoma” that preys on our youth from a very, very, young age and on the weak and elderly.
I will not devote to these pages as to what I observed personally at the start of this “malignant growth” at my parish. It will take not just pages but whole volumes to describe how devious is this trickster, this mascara, who appeared all of a sudden in our lives and in reality threatens the existence of our Orthodox Church in America (and believe me, in the world!).
But I will humbly ask the editor of the National Herald to translate and publish Elaine Jaharis’ letter in the daily ΕθνικόςΚήρυξ– after, of course, receiving permission from Elaine Jaharis.
Respectfully submitted,
Stephen Cherpelis
Douglaston, NY
Editor’s Note:
Stephen Cherpelis is a member of the Archdiocesan Council 2000-2017, Vice Chairman of the direct Archdiocesan District member of the Administration and Finance committee, Archon Dikaiophylax of the Ecumenical Patriarchate serving at the National Council Member of the Leadership 100.