Source: Journal of Church and State | Rev. Dr. Daniel Payne Introduction Upon the recent death of Patriarch Alexey II of Moscow and All Russia, Sergei Lavrov, head of the Russian Foreign Ministry (RFM), stated, “It is impossible to overestimate the contribution of the Primate of the Church to strengthening the positions of our Fatherland in the world and enhancing the international prestige of Russia.”1 First and foremost, the signing of the 2007 Act of Canonical Communion of the Moscow Patriarchate and the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) signaled “a new stage in [the Russian Foreign Ministry’s] efforts…
Author: admin
Source: Daniel Stilliman Blog | Daniel Watch American Religious Studies and American Religious History for even a little while, and you’ll see a developing, evolving way of talking about different groups. Go back — not too far, even — and one finds almost all the attention given to denominational organizations, and everything framed in terms of continuity or discontinuity with Boston Puritanism. It’s not like that anymore. Just in recent years, the account of Islam in America is growing and changing. It’s now de riguer to note that the first Muslims came to America with the importation of slaves from…
Source: New York Times | Sophia Kishkovsky MOSCOW — Among the thousands of Russian voices raised against the Kremlin this month after parliamentary elections widely dismissed as fraudulent, perhaps the most surprising was that of Patriarch Kirill I, the leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, who defended popular protests as a “lawful negative reaction” to corruption. Always a reliable pillar of support for the government of Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin and his United Russia Party, the powerful Orthodox Church has been noticeably — to some, shockingly — critical of the elections. Arguably the only major national institution outside the…
Source: Pravoslavie Last week the court ruled to arrest Archimandrite Ephrem, abbot of the Vatopedi Monastery on Mt. Athos, in connection with a large-scale investigation into real estate deals between the Monastery and the Greek State initiated in 2008. On weekend the police came to the Vatopedi Monastery to arrest Fr. Ephrem. After medical doctors had examined the abbot, it was decided to leave him in the Monastery for health reasons. It was reported on Tuesday, however, that Fr Ephrem was arrested and taken away from Mr. Athos. Metropolitan Hilarion, chairman of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations,…
Orthodox Christian Schools Association (OCSA) Go to the Orthodox Christian Schools Association website. Go to the Orthodox Christian Schools Association website.
Source: Today’s Zaman 25 December 2011 / TODAY’S ZAMAN, İSTANBUL The thousands of Christians in Turkey began their Christmas celebrations on Dec. 24, and several religious ceremonies were held in different churches as political figures like the president and prime minister issued holiday messages. İstiklal Street was the center of activity where Christians gathered together to spend the evening. Some joined parties while many others went to church to pray. Many Catholics celebrated Christmas with a religious service on the night of Dec. 24 at St. Antuan Church on İstiklal Street. The evening Christmas Eve service commemorates the fact that…
Source: Greek Reporter | Stella Tsolakidou The Aristotle’s University of Thessaloniki is taking an active part in reviving the Theological School of Halki in Istanbul. This trend has been supported by 30 professors of the Greek University, who will provide the Ecumenical Patriarchate with their knowledge and know-how (in terms of research and study) in order to propose alternative methods of rebuilding and renovating the School. This is a joint initiative of the University’s Deanery and the Technical Sciences Department of the University, which was officially announced during the meeting of Dean Yannis Mylopoulos with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in…
Source: The Wall Street Journal | Lucette Lagnado Kirolos Andraws had every reason to be excited about the January uprising in his native Egypt, figuring democracy would bring hope for young people like him. Then one day in February, says Mr. Andraws, a gang of thugs beat him and told him, “you deserve to die.” His offense, he says: refusing to convert to Islam. In late March, Mr. Andraws, a 23-year- old engineer, used a tourist visa to board an Egyptair flight for New York City. He let a room in a friend’s apartment, hired an immigration lawyer and applied…
Source: The London Daily News The Greek courts have ruled that a respected Orthodox Christian monk will be imprisoned over Christmas over a land dispute in northern Greece. Abbot Ephraim who leads the largest monastic order in the Orthodox Christian world, has strong links to the royal family in the United Kingdom, among others, and his supporters have threatened the Greek government with widespread protests to release the Abbot. Speaking to the London Daily News Bishop Athanasius of Limassol in Cyprus said: “The abbot has not been imprisoned yet and is now on his way to Athens, we hope the…
Source: The Sophia Echo | By Clive Leviev-Sawyer Officials from the National Revenue Agency will begin interviews and checks of financial records in January to follow up allegations that the Bulgarian Orthodox Church owes huge sums in unpaid social security contributions and to clarify what the church has been doing with its state subsidies. This is among the latest developments as the church is caught up in controversies ranging from questions about its finances to the row about senior clergy being checked by the Dossier Commission for affiliations to communist-era State Security and to Varna Metropolitan Kiril’s new car. The…
His Grace, Bishop Basil, Secretary of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America Bishop Basil (Essey), Secretary of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, talks about the CEOYLA Festival in 1963. Orthodox Christian Laity Program Booklet. View or download here. “They Witnessed to North America with One Voice – C.E.O.Y.L.A. & now, O.C.L. ” by Ronald Andrei Muresan, JD. Download PowerPoint Presentation or Download PDF of PowerPoint Presentation..
Click on each title below to view the item: 1) Video Message from His Grace, Bishop Basil, Secretary of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America 2) View the Orthodox Christian Laity Program Booklet 3) View the “They Witnessed to North America with One Voice – C.E.O.Y.L.A. & now, O.C.L. ” by Ronald Andrei Muresan, JD (Powerpoint presentation – PDF). The search for the video of the 1963 CEOYLA Festival Continues; OCL has an audio of the meeting. Please help us find the video. You may contact OCL at (877) 585-0245 or contact the OCL Executive…