Browsing: Governance Top Stories

Source: Aleteia A grass roots ecumenism involving Christians of East and West is what will take Christians into the future together. by FR DWIGHT LONGENECKER When referring to the Eastern Orthodox churches Pope St John Paul II used to say the church needed to “breathe with two lungs.” Given Pope Francis’s physical condition of having only one lung, perhaps it is best to discover a new analogy. Looking at the cross we can say that Christ needs two arms to reach out to embrace the whole world. In his trip to Turkey last week Pope Francis celebrated the liturgy with Bartholomew,…

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Source: Vatican Radio (Vatican Radio)  In an address upon conclusion of the Divine Liturgy celebrated by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I at the Orthodox Church of St. George in Istanbul, Pope Francis said “the one thing that the Catholic Church desires and that I seek as Bishop of Rome…is communion with the Orthodox Churches.” Below, please find the complete text of the Holy Father’s address: When I was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, I often took part in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy of the Orthodox communities there.  Today, the Lord has given me the singular grace to be present…

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The Pope preaches a sermon on Unity through the Holy Spirit. Source: Journal of Turkish Weekly Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of the globe’s estimated one billion Catholics, has celebrated a special Mass in Istanbul on the second day of his official visit to Turkey. Security was tight at the Catholic Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in the city’s Beyoglu district, ahead of the visit by the 77-year-old Argentinian pontiff, who was greeted by a small crowd of well-wishers before releasing a dove in the courtyard of the church. Around 200 people were waiting for pope’s arrival outside the 1846…

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Source: Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople Latest News Schedule of Press Conferences November 29-30 Schedule of Press Conferences for November 28-30 for the visit of Pope Francis to the Phanar Read More About Schedule of Press Conferences November 29-30» 11/28/14 Satellite Coordinates for 29 and 30 November for the Visit of Pope Francis to the Phanar Satellite Coordinates for the services at the Patriarchal Cathedral on 29 and 30 November. Read More About Satellite Coordinates for 29 and 30 November for the Visit of Pope Francis to the Phanar» 11/27/14 Accreditation Badges Available for Collection Media accredited by the Press Office of…

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Source: PBS TRANSCRIPT BELOW KIM LAWTON, correspondent: At the Greek Orthodox Church of the Archangels in Istanbul, Sunday morning worship unfolds as it has for centuries. Christians here say the ancient liturgy and the images that fill the sanctuary help connect them to the roots of their faith. Several books of the New Testament were written in what is now Turkey, and many foundational Christian doctrines were established here. FATHER VISSARION KOMZIAS (St. George Patriarchal Church): So the presence of the Christianity is from the very, very, very beginning. Here the Christianity starts and never ends. LAWTON: On this Sunday, presiding over…

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Source: The Catholic World Report The Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev not only misrepresents Catholic practice and history, he also misrepresents Orthodox practice and history. by Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, the “foreign affairs minister” of the Russian Orthodox Church, is, as George Weigel observed recently in First Things, a talented man, “charming and witty.” However, the gifted Hilarion, Weigel rightly noted, “does not always speak the truth.” Hilarion is rather like the Energizer Bunny: he goes on and on and on repeating tirelessly whatever pernicious propaganda the Russians want to spread. He has three channels to choose…

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Source: Al-Monitor by Susanne Güsten As Ankara prepares to receive Pope Francis on Nov. 28-30, Turkish media have noted with raised eyebrows that Turkish affairs do not appear to be uppermost on the pope’s mind. “It was conspicuous that the pope chose to speak of the ‘Ecumenical Patriarchate’ and ‘Constantinople’ rather than of Turkey,” when referring to the destination of his upcoming visit, the daily Milliyet pointed out huffily. It is a Turkish delusion of grandeur to believe that the spiritual leader of over a billion Catholics around the world should see, one and a half years into his papacy and before…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity (West Palm Beach, FL)  George Pontikes was elected the thirteenth president of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL).  The election took place on October 24, 2014.  Mr. Pontikes is a city of Chicago native and an attorney.  He and his wife Harriet reside in Evanston, IL.  They are parents of three accomplished daughters.  Their pride and joy is their granddaughter Zoe Panorea.   George is a founding member of Orthodox Christian Laity.  He is active in the life of his parish community Saints Peter and Paul, Glenview, IL.  He has served the church on the diocese level and has…

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Source: Ancient Faith Radio October 29, 2014 Length: 1:48:55 Orthodox Christian Laity hosted an open forum at St. Vlad’s on the work of the Episcopal Assembly. Speakers included Alexei Krindatch, Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey, and Archbishop Nathaniel of the Romanian Episcopate. Direct link Play in Popup Download Send Feedback Related Stories Alexei Krindatch’s Presentation at the 27th Annual Meeting of OCL – Orthodox Christian Laity Photo Gallery of OCL’s 27th Annual Meeting at St. Vladimir’s Seminary – Orthodox Christian Laity OCL Completes 27th Annual Meeting at St. Vladimir’s Seminary – Orthodox Christian Laity [subscribe2]

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Source: Orthodox Church in America Syosset, NY [OCA]  The independent audit of the Orthodox Church in America’s financial records for the year ending December 31, 2013 has been completed, according to Melanie Ringa, OCA Treasurer. The report of the auditors, CapinCrouse LLP, is now available in PDF format on the OCA web site.  [The prior auditors, Lambrides, Lamos, Taylor LLP, merged with CapinCrouse LLP in early 2013.] “Once again, the OCA has been issued an unqualified or ‘clean’ audit opinion”, said Ms. Ringa. The unqualified opinion is the best type of report an auditee can receive from the external auditor.”…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Browse the gallery of photos from OCL’s 27th Annual Meeting held on October 24, 2014 at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary. Related Stories Alexei Krindatch’s Presentation at the 27th Annual Meeting of OCL – Orthodox Christian Laity Audio Presentation of the Orthodox Christian Laity Open Forum at St Vladimir’s Seminary – Ancient Faith Radio OCL Completes 27th Annual Meeting at St. Vladimir’s Seminary – Orthodox Christian Laity [subscribe2]

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Power Point Presentation by Alexei Krindatch, Research Consultant, Canonical Regional Planning Committee  of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States, presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of Orthodox Christian Laity at St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, N.Y.  on Friday October 24, 2014.  Audio of this presentation and the comments of His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel of Detroit and His Grace Bishop Michael of New York and New Jersey are available by CLICKING HERE.  A photo essay of the Assembly will also be posted.  Stay tuned.  Learn about the Progress of the Assembly of Bishops…

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