Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS Analysis I had written about the so-called “Spiritual” Courts some years ago. The reason that I decided to write about the issue once again is the recent case of Rev. James Dokos, who pled guilty to embezzling funds. And entered into a differed agreement with the authorities in order to avoid imprisonment. There are two types of “Spiritual” Courts. The First Degree, which is convened on the local level at the Metropolis and the Second Degree on Archdiocesan level. Specifically, the Eparchial Synod itself becomes a “Spiritual” Court. The First Degree Court submits…
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Source: Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus has sent a letter to the Holy Synod of the Greek Orthodox Church concerning the upcoming Pan-Orthodox Council. The main propositions of the document were published on the site Vladyka styled the decision that every Local Church shall be represented by twenty-four hierarchs at the council “a never-before-seen innovation,” without precedent in two thousand years of Church history. He noted that at every Ecumenical Council “as many bishops as possible” took part. In practice, Churches did sometimes send representatives, but only in the event that the bishop could not arrive to the Council…
Source: The Economist BY ERASMUS AS ORTHODOX Christian leaders prepare for what has been billed as their most important gathering for centuries, they have many problems to wrestle with. One, as widely reported already, is the chronically uneasy relationship between the two best-known of those leaders, the Istanbul-based Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew I, and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow. It is Patriarch Bartholomew, in his capacity as “first among equals” in the Orthodox hierarchy who is organising and hosting the Synod; but many eyes, both wary and admiring, will be on his Russian guest, who along with his huge entourage has just toured South America, and…
Friends, As promised, I am sending you a copy of the Motion filed by Dokos’s attorneys to file “under seal” a letter from Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago. The contents of that letter remain secret and should be released to the public, now that there has been a disposition of the case. Whatever the contents of that letter may be, it is obvious from the response of the State, and from the subsequent ruling of the Court denying the defense motion to dismiss the criminal charge on 1st Amendment “Separation of Church and States” grounds and because “this should be handled…
Source: Coffee with Sr Vassa A popular, catechetical program on Byzantine Liturgy and Theology, hosted by Dr. Sr. Vassa Larin, liturgiologist and Russian Orthodox nun in Vienna, Austria. This episode is on The Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, coming up in June 2016.
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The year 2016 is a momentous, historic time for Orthodox Christianity throughout the world. After 1,200 years, Orthodox Christianity is on the verge of a seminal event, a meeting of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church, to be held in Crete, Greece, during the week of Pentecost this June. This event will provide a pivotal opportunity for hierarchs to officially recognize a unified American Orthodox Church which selects its own hierarchs. It is an idea whose time has come. Moreover, it is properly based on the canonical precedents of the Church. Indeed, it…
Source: The National Herald By Dennis Menos No amount of sugar coating can conceal the fact that the Ecumenical Patriarchate is facing hard times. Its endeavor to resolve the major issues confronting the Church in the modern era by hosting a Holy and Great Council, is beginning to stall; and an old rival, the Patriarchate of Moscow, with designs of its own is challenging the existing order in the Orthodox East. The recent Synaxis of the 14 Primates of the Orthodox Church, held at Chambesy in Switzerland, provides ample proof of the difficulties that the Ecumenical Patriarchate is experiencing. Convened…
Source: Orthodox Church in America HUNTINGTON, NY [OCA] The Metropolitan Council of the Orthodox Church in America concluded its spring session at Immaculate Conception Seminary here on Thursday, February 18, 2016. The meeting was chaired by His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. In attendance were the members of the Standing Synod of Bishops—His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin; His Eminence, Archbishop Michael; and His Grace, Bishop Paul. Also participating were the OCA’s Officers—Archpriest John Jillions, Chancellor; Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, Secretary; and Melanie Ringa, Treasurer. After an opening Service of Intercession on Tuesday, February 16, Metropolitan Tikhon welcomed Council members, especially those attending for…
Source: Ancient Faith Radio February 2, 2016 Length: 27:26 At the dinner following the 33rd Annual Schmemann Lecture at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary, Dr. Charles Ajalat, the former chancellor for the Antiochian Archdiocese and the co-founder of International Orthodox Christian Charities, presented a plan for a governing structure of the world wide Orthodox Church. Also see transcript below. Earlier in the evening, Dr. Ajalat received an honorary doctorate in Canon Law. Here he is with his January 31, 2016, proposal. CLICK HERE to listen to the presentation. Transcript Ownership by All, Control by None Your Beatitude, Your Graces, reverend clergy,…
Source: Ancient Faith Radio February 1, 2016 Length: 47:29 Archdeacon John Chryssavgis delivers the 33rd Annual Schmemann Lecture at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary. He is introduced by Fr. Alexander Rentel. CLICK HERE to listen to the interview. Transcript Fr. Alexander Rentel: Theologian and teacher, scholar and interpreter, servant of the Ecumenical Throne, and defender of God’s creation. In your theological scholarship, translating, interpreting, and presenting the spiritual masters of the early Church, you have nourished countless faithful today, showing them how to find blessing in brokenness and comfort and guidance in ancient wisdom. In your educational work across continents, establishing…
Source: TASS Russian News Agency The Russian Orthodox Church, with an estimated congregation of about 50 million believers, is the largest of the canonical national Orthodox Churches. MOSCOW, February 3. /TASS/. The forthcoming Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church that is due to convene on the Isle of Crete this summer will endorse decisions only upon consent of all the fourteen Patriarchs of canonical national Orthodox Churches, Metropolitan Hilarion, the chairman of Moscow Patriarchate’s Department for External Church Relations said on Wednesday. “All the decisions at the Pan-Orthodox Council will be taken by consensus,” he said at a…
Source: First Things by John Chryssavgis Already there is much talk about the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. Between now and June 19, 2016, when the council officially opens on the island of Crete, there will be many rumors and much spin. Some will be justified; like other patriarchal institutions, Orthodox Churches are not normally known for their transparency. However, other chatter will be less than helpful. What follow are some brief clarifications on basic questions surrounding the council. Is the Great Council an Ecumenical Council? For Orthodox Christians, there hasn’t been an Ecumenical Council since 787,…