Source: National Catholic Reporter by Christopher White This article appears in the War in Ukraine feature series. View the full series. ROME — For four weeks, the Vatican has offered to serve as a mediator between Russia and Ukraine, and for four weeks, such overtures have been ignored by Russia. As Russia’s war against Ukraine rages on, Pope Francis has incrementally escalated his rhetoric against the invasion, condemning it as an “unacceptable armed aggression,” while refusing to directly name President Vladimir Putin or Russia as the aggressors. The diplomatic tightrope has been defended as consistent with longstanding Vatican neutrality, necessary for protecting Catholics in both Ukraine and Russia and…
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Source: OrthodoxReality National Study about the Pandemic’s Impact on Orthodox Church Life in America Dear OCL friends, If you are a lay church member in the United States of America, we ask you to do something that could make a significant difference for the future of both your parish and the Orthodox Church in general. We ask you to take part in a national study about the pandemic’s impact on Orthodox church life in America. The study has heard already from about 400 American Orthodox priests and the results were published here: Now it is time to hear the thoughts, concerns and experiences…
Source: Daily Beast by A. Craig Copetas Beneath the gold onion domes of the Danilov Monastery a few miles south of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin’s chief shaman explains why Russia is hell-bent on destroying Ukraine. “If we see [Ukraine] as a threat, we have the right to use force to ensure the threat is eradicated,” Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill recently preached to his church’s 90 million faithful followers. “We have entered into a conflict which has not only physical but also metaphysical significance. We are talking about human salvation, something much more important than politics.” The wartime coalition between Putin and his patriarch is called symphonia,…
Source: Helleniscope EDITOR’S NOTE (Nick Stamatakis): We received this interesting white paper (Charter Whitepaper) through our sources in the Charter committee. Father Nicholas Metrakos, using his scientific background, analyzes the benefits of a polycentric, decentralized model for the Archdiocese. It is very close to how America is organized and successful as a governing model – decentralization is exactly what makes this country a democracy and so successful at all levels. Father Nicholas Metrakos proposes the movement to a “polycentric matrix” through refinement and not through “correction”… Polycentrism: A Model Worthy of Refinement Not Reversion Fr. Nicholas Metrakos, Submitted to the…
Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – The new charter of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America will not be presented at the upcoming Clergy-Laity Congress this July, but at the next one in year 2024 because valuable time has been lost and there is not enough time to draft it in time for this year’s Congress. As The National Herald had reported, the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate scheduled to be convened from Sunday March 13 will appoint the members of the Patriarchal delegation which is going to collaborate with the corresponding committee appointed by the Archdiocese.…
Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos If the revelations of The National Herald prove anything in the last few days concerning the issue of the new Charter, it is that there was haste and imprudence, as a result of which we were led to deadlocks, unfortunately reducing the prestige of the Archdiocese, but also of the Patriarchate. I will explain this immediately. Even before the present Archbishop met and became acquainted with our Church here, of which he is not “flesh of her flesh and bone of her bone” and who had not worked, had not been raised, had…
Source: Orthodox Reality The “New Traditional” in a Most Traditional Church: How the Pandemic Has Reshaped American Orthodox Christian Churches How has the pandemic transformed the Orthodox Church, the original Christian Church that “never changes?” Based on the national survey of the Orthodox Christian parish clergy conducted January 24 – February 10, 2022, the report answers this question. It examines both overall impact of the pandemic and the possible long-term consequences for American Orthodox Christian parishes. The report also discusses “mysteriously” strong growth in vitality that some congregations (12% of all American Orthodox parishes) experienced despite and even because of the…
Source: Providence Magazine Originally published on February 17, 2022 By Evagelos Sotiropoulos Appeasement,” Winston Churchill once said, “is feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last.” It is this approach—one of appeasement and concession—that Orthodox primates have applied to the ecclesiastical ambitions of the Moscow Patriarchate. While the 2019 granting of autocephaly, or self-governing status, to the Orthodox Church in Ukraine (OCU) by the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate made intra-Orthodox tensions more public, the root cause of today’s growing disunity is decades in the making. Moscow’s obsessive ethnophyletism and promotion of its Russkiy Mir agenda were quietly acknowledged…
Source: Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Since Russian forces launched an attack on Ukraine on February 24, more than 100,000 refugees entered neighboring Romania. We ask you to help the refugees who continue to arrive in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. The funds raised will be directed to the Romanian Orthodox dioceses who are already involved in helping the refugees. May God bless you for your Christian love and concern exemplified through your prayers and generous donations. With blessings, +NATHANIEL, Archbishop The Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Source: Orthodox Church in America BETHESDA, MD [OCA] On Tuesday, March 15, the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America, meeting in their Regular Spring 2022 Session under the presidency of His Beatitude Metropolitan Tikhon, canonically elected His Grace Bishop Alexis, formerly Bishop of Bethesda and Auxiliary to the Metropolitan for Stravropegial Institutions, Bishop of Sitka and Alaska.
Source: Public Orthodoxy by Jaroslav Skira Suggestively linking a Russian Orthodox primate, an ideology, and genocide may seem provocative or sensationalist. For me, given the current unjustified Russian war on Ukraine, the connections between them are far from that. In this moment in our common history as a human family, ‘naming” a reality is utterly important here for assessing the horrific events in Ukraine and the ideology that is complicit in such violence against the very innocence that characterizes the people of Ukraine. Naming is a profoundly ethical choice. Genocide is not an abstract concept in this present moment for the…
Source: CNN By Delia Gallagher, CNN (CNN)Russian President Vladimir Putin has given several explanations for his country’s war on Ukraine, and some are more plausible than others. They include stopping NATO’s advance towards Russia’s borders, protecting fellow Russians from “genocide” or the baseless claim of “de-Nazifying” Ukraine. The top-ranking priest in the Russian Orthodox Church, meanwhile, has offered a very different reason for the invasion: gay pride parades. Patriarch Kirill said last week that the conflict is an extension of a fundamental culture clash between the wider Russian world and Western liberal values, exemplified by expressions of gay pride. Yet experts say that…