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In Support of “A Declaration for Orthodox Christian Unity in America,” No. 1 To the Orthodox Christian Faithful in America: On July 5, 2022, A Declaration for Orthodox Christian Unity in America was published and widely distributed. It addresses the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America and solicits the signatures and support of all Orthodox Christians to reassure the Hierarchy of the rectitude of the call for a united, autocephalous American Orthodox Church. This paper will address concerns raised by those who are still uncertain whether to support the Declaration and the action it promotes.…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Originally published in OCL’s “THE FORUM,” Summer-Autumn 1993. WOMEN’S ROLE IN THE CHURCH – THE RESTORATION OF THE DIACONATE Women in the church is not one issue but is a topic comprised of many facets. Let us begin with women in the New Testament and Early Church and proceed to their role as saints and their service in the women’s diaconate. Women were the first to hear of Christ’s Resurrection, and these women disciples were told to “go and proclaim” the Resurrection. Christ first identified Himself to the Woman of Samaria. She is known as Photine, the…

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Source: and other sources Post-Conciliar News – Metropolitan Kallistos Reflects on Orthodox Council – OSV Newsweekly – Athonite Fathers Call for Rejection of Cretan Council and Cessation of Commemoration of the Patriarch of Constantinope – Orthodox Ethos – Historic Orthodox Council Meets Despite Absence of Four Churches – AMERICA – The National Catholic Review -Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and Litoral did not sign controversial document at Crete -Interview with Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos on the Holy and Great Synod (video) -Metropolitan Jeremiah of Gortys: “When and where did the Holy Fathers call heresies and schisms ‘Churches?’” -Union of Orthodox Clergy…

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Source: OINOS Educational Consulting TOWN OR GOWN? (Part 1) By Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “The height of the mountain top is measured by the dismal drudgery of the valley, but it is in the valley that we have to live for the glory of God.” ~ Oswald Chambers America’s theological schools and seminaries are in need of transfiguration. Facing a myriad of significant challenges ranging from financial instability, decreasing enrollment, student debt, and accusations of postmodern irrelevancy, institutions of Christian higher learning are compelled to replace older models of delivery with structures that engage society and support the student of the 21st…

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Source: Pew Research Center Originally published on November 8, 2017 Concentrated in Europe, Orthodox Christians have declined as a percentage of the global population, but Ethiopian community is highly observant and growing Over the last century, the Orthodox Christian population around the world has more than doubled and now stands at nearly 260 million. In Russia alone, it has surpassed 100 million, a sharp resurgence after the fall of the Soviet Union. Yet despite these increases in absolute numbers, Orthodox Christians have been declining as a share of the overall Christian population – and the global population – due to…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity A DECLARATION OF AMERICAN ORTHODOX UNITY NOW [A Case Study that was discussed at the Annual Meeting of the Orthodox Christian Laity in San Diego, CA on November 7, 2015 – We invite your comments.] Amidst great spiritual and practical need, this declaration has been written to send out a clarion call for unity – unity in practice and unity within hearts – among American Orthodox Christian believers. Such unity is inevitable, it is the right thing, and it is based on the historic precedents of the Orthodox Church throughout the ages. It is also urgent,…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity How will we move forward to renew the Orthodox Church in the USA? Now that the hierarchy has demonstrated that it cannot move ahead in consensus, it is time for the spiritually mature laity and clergy to cooperate together and see how we can be a critical mass to move ahead as the Apostolic missionary church that is the Orthodox way. Where do we begin to make our Church in the USA canonical? A good place to start is to reread or read for the first time the Project for Orthodox Renewal. You can read the chapters online…

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Source: MYSTAGOGY An interview with Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos and St. Vlassios by Pavel Chirila, Professor and Doctor at St Irene’s Hospital in Bucharest (Romania).  1. Question: Tell us something about death, something that comes spontaneously to you, something you consider extremely important. Answer: What comes spontaneously to mind is that death is a terrible mystery, as we chant in the Funeral Service, which is a poem by St. John Damascene. This is related to the fact that the soul is violently detached from the harmony of its union with the body. It is also a sad event, because it is related to…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America – Office of Interfaith Marriage by Mr. Peter Kehayes In open pluralistic societies, intermarriages tend to become the rule, not the exception as growing majorities intermarry with the result that many religions are at a critical juncture in deciding how best to address a challenge which is at the heart of so many families and so critical to the religious community’s well being and growth. Among Greek Americans, the intermarriage rate is between 75 and 85%; with a projected attrition of communicants of greater than 60% over the next generation. America’s unique place in history…

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Presentation given by Nicholas Chapman of Herkimer  NY at the OCL 25th Anniversary Conference, Washington DC on Oct 27, 2012 Before I begin let me thank George Matsoukas and the Board of OCL for the invitation to present today. I would also like to acknowledge Matthew Namee whose place I have filled due to his current work and other commitments. His constant support over the past three years has stimulated, informed and helped to sustain my own research. Introduction Your Grace’s, Reverend Fathers and Mothers, Brothers and Sisters: The study of the history of Orthodoxy in America is still at a…

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Nicholas Marinides gave a short talk on Piety of the Laity in Byzantium at the Library of Congress as part of the 25th Anniversary Program honoring the founding of Orthodox Christian Laity.   The paper offers insights that are of interest to all concerned about the renewal of the Church in America.  OCL invites thoughtful responses from the People of God who want to respond to this essay. [gview height=”900″ file=””]

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