Source: Public Orthodoxy A REVIEW OF THE DEPARTURE OF THE SOUL ACCORDING TO THE TEACHING OF THE ORTHODOX CHURCH by Stephen J. Shoemaker | ελληνικά | ру́сский quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus creditum est –St. Vincent of Lérins (d. 445) The monks of St. Anthony’s Monastery have recently published a beautiful and intriguing, if also deeply problematic, volume on the fate of the soul after death. Weighing in (literally) at more than 1,000 pages, the book compiles opinions from a number of Orthodox writers regarding the soul’s experience after its departure from the body, along with lavish reproductions of icons and other objects…
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Orthodox News Top Stories
Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center of Fordham University It is with great pleasure that the Orthodox Christian Studies Center shares the news that Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine has been honored with the Alpha Sigma Nu award. This award, cosponsored by the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities and Alpha Sigma Nu (the Jesuit Honor Society), is given once every three years to scholarly books in the humanities that stand out as “scholarship at its best in Jesuit education.” Christianity, Democracy, and the Shadow of Constantine (Fordham University Press, 2016), edited by Center Co-Directors George E. Demacopoulos and Aristotle Papanikolaou, is the fruit…
Source: OCP Media Network John Anton – OCP News Service – 12/1017 +Memory Eternal+ Cairo-Egypt: A Coptic Orthodox Christian priest was murdered and another was injured in a knife attack this morning in the Capital city of Cairo. Father ‘Samaan Shihata’ (Fr Simon) from Bani Suief, Upper Egypt, was on a visit to Cairo with another priest. They were attacked by some unknown person who killed Fr Simon. Local media reported that police have arrested the culprit and he is currently under investigation. The ancient Coptic Orthodox Christian community in Egypt faces various persecution from religious fanatics. May be the memory of…
Source: Orthodox Church in America SAN FRANCISCO, CA [OCA] On Wednesday morning, October 11, 2017, His Eminence, Archbishop Benjamin of San Francisco and the West issued a letter to the clergy and faithful concerning the wild fires raging in California—a situation which he says “changes hourly.” “I ask you all to keep the people of the Sonoma and Napa valleys in your prayers,” Archbishop Benjamin writes. “As I write this, the situation changes hourly. But I can report there have been no casualties so far. Some of our faithful and the nuns of both the Kazan Skete and Calistoga have…
Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America Englewood NJ – His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, Archbishop of New York and Metropolitan of All North America, is pleased to announce the visit of His Beatitude John X, Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, to the United States on October 21–31, 2017. (Read more about His Beatitude’s historic visit to New York on October 29, 2017.) The purpose of the visit is to meet with the leadership of the United Nations as well as members of the current administration of the United States to: 1) promote a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisis, 2) highlight…
Source: Ekklesia A consultation with the theme ‘Ecumenical Perspective on the Role of Women in the Churches’ brought together 28 women and men to the Monastero di Bose in northern Italy from 3-7 October 2017. Participants came from major Christian traditions including Anglican, Baptist, Disciples of Christ, Lutheran, Mennonite, Methodist, Orthodox (Eastern and Oriental), Pentecostal, Reformed and Roman Catholic. There were also representatives of regional ecumenical organisations including the All Africa Conference of Churches, Caribbean Conference of Churches, Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias, Middle East Council of Churches, National Council of Churches in India, and Conference of European Churches. The event…
Source:The Christian Post Libya’s interior ministry has said they have found a mass grave with the bodies of the 21 Coptic Christians who were beheaded by the Islamic State two years ago. The remains have been sent for forensic examination. “The heads are separated from the bodies clad in orange jumpsuits, hands bound behind the back with plastic wire,” said the ministry’s unit for fighting organized crime in the city of Misurata, according to Agence France Presse. The authorities came to know about the mass grave, which had the bodies of 20 Egyptians and a man of unknown African nationality, near…
Source: HAARETZ One activist who called for ouster of Theophilos III of Jerusalem was barred from a town in northern Israel ahead of patriarch’s visit by Jack Khoury In an unusual step, the police prohibited a member of Israel’s Greek Orthodox community from entering a town in Israel’s north last week, ahead of the Sunday’s visit to the town by the church’s patriarch, after the man called for the leader’s ouster. Police issued a restraining order against Ghassan Munair last Thursday, barring him from the town of Kafr Reineh in the Galilee for one week over “suspicions of endangering public…
Source: Ancient Faith Ministries OCL Executive Director George Matsoukas and President George Karcazes talk about the 30th Anniversary program. CLICK HERE to listen to the interview.
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos NEW YORK – Over 20 parish councils from various parts of the country, including cathedrals from Florida, New York, Connecticut and elsewhere, intend to reduce or even completely stop their payments to the Archdiocese. Parish council presidents who spoke to The National Herald on the condition of anonymity, to be protected for obvious reasons –in the future they plan to go public – said that “we refuse to pay the 16% increase that we received from the metropolises.” Some of them signaled to their local metropolitans that they are not going to send…
Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Is 40:8 Dear Brother Hierarchs, Reverend Clergy, Esteemed members of the Archdiocese Board of Trustees, and Christ-loving Faithful, Blessing and greetings to you in the Name of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus! With profound sadness, yet hope in the Resurrection, I announce the passing into eternal life of my beloved brother, Bishop ANTOUN. Words cannot begin to describe our debt of gratitude to His Grace nor our sense of loss at his falling asleep. As our…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON,MA – The annual amounts New England parishes are obligated to give to the Archdiocese are really revealing and interesting. They are required to give 15% of their annual expenses to the Archdiocese, as it was decided abruptly without any information or advance notice to the Parishes in 2006 at the Clergy-Laity Congress in Nashville, TN. That formula was changed from 15% of income because the Church officials believed that many parishes were not reporting all their annual income or keeping double sets of records in order to avoid disclosing how much money…