Browsing: Orthodox News

Source: Catholic World News Three days after Pope Francis received a Marian icon as a gift from Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Pope gave the icon as a gift to Pope Emeritus Benedict. Metropolitan Hilarion, the Russian Orthodox Church’s chief ecumenical officer, presented the icon of Our Lady, Support of the Humble, along with a book, to Pope Francis during a March 20 audience; Pope Francis in turn presented the icon to the Pope Emeritus on March 23. Pope Francis told his predecessor that when he had received the icon, and been told that it…

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Source:  France 24 (AFP) Cyprus’s wealthy Orthodox Church stands to lose more than 100 million euros in the bailout deal reached with international creditors early Monday, its leader Archbishop Chrysostomos said. “The capital owned by the Church, which was over 100 million euros, has been lost,” the archbishop told reporters. “There will be many difficulties, some will lose their jobs, the hungry will be multiplied and the Church has to take care of people,” he added. The church has substantial shareholdings on the island, including in the banks at the centre of the drastic financial sector cuts imposed by the…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America [Washington DC] His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, delivered the homily at the celebration of Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at Saints Peter and Paul Antiochian Orthodox Church here on Sunday evening, March 24, 2013. Clergy and faithful from parishes across the US capital region attended the service, marking the restoration of icons to their proper use in the Church’s liturgy in AD 842. Despite the teaching about icons defined at the Seventh Ecumenical Council of AD 787, the iconoclasts—those who denounced the use and veneration of icons as “idolatry”—renewed their attacks. Following the death of Emperor Theophilus, the last…

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Source: Eastern American Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia The second Wednesday of Great Lent this year, March 14/27, will mark the 246th anniversary of the falling asleep in the Lord of the ever-memorable Colonel Philip Ludwell III, of Williamsburg, VA, the first documented convert to Orthodoxy in the Americas. Last year, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York, gave his blessing for panihidas to be held for Colonel Ludwell on the anniversary of his repose, and it is hoped that even more parishes will do so this year, following…

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Editor’s Note: Please see the author’s comment in the Comment Section at the end of the article. Source: The National Herald By V. Rev. Fr. Steven C. Salaris Last year I attended a clergy gathering where we had several “workshops” discussing the importance of Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) ministry to college students, and what I call “The 60%.” This term derives from a recent study revealing that 60% of college students never return to church after college… So why do 60% of our college youth leave Orthodoxy? This is a difficult question to answer, but I have come up with several hypotheses.…

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Source: CBS News [NICOSIA, CYPRUS] The head of Cyprus’ influential Orthodox church, Archbishop Chrysostomos II, says he will put the church’s assets at the country’s disposal to help pull it out of a financial crisis, after lawmakers rejected a plan to seize up to 10 percent of people’s bank deposits to secure an international bailout. Speaking after meeting President Nicos Anastasiades Wednesday, Chrysostomos said the church was willing to mortgage its assets to invest in government bonds. The church has considerable wealth, including property, stakes in a bank and a brewery. Tuesday’s rejection of the deposit tax has left the…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] – His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon is one of a number of Orthodox hierarchs slated to attend the Inauguration of Pope Francis in Rome on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Representatives from most of the Orthodox Churches will be present, including His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. Following the Solemn Mass of Inauguration in Saint Peter’s Basilica on Tuesday morning, Metropolitan Tikhon, who is being accompanied by Archpriest Eric G. Tosi, Secretary of the Orthodox Church in America, will attend a lunch for the delegations hosted by Kurt Cardinal Koch, President of the Pontifical…

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Source: Greek Reporter USA The Greek community in USA and people from all around the world mourned his death, including heads of States, countless political figures, and organizations. Supreme President of AHEPA, Dr. John Grossomanides has issued the following statement: “The members of the American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association mourn the passing of Life Member Andrew Athens, a true pillar of global Hellenism, a highly-decorated World War Two veteran, an unwavering community activist, ardent philanthropist, and a successful businessman who truly realized and fulfilled the American Dream.” “Brother Athens will be sorely missed by all Hellenes as his kind and…

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Source: The Catholic World Report A first since the Great Schism By Catherine Harmon In a historic development, it was announced today that Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, will attend Pope Francis’ installation Mass in Rome March 19, the first time such an event as taken place since the Great Schism in 1054. From Asia News: The ecumenical patriarch will be accompanied by Ioannis Zizioulas, metropolitan of Pergamon and co-president of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Church, as well as Tarassios, Orthodox Metropolitan of Argentina, and Gennadios, Orthodox Metropolitan of…

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Source: Reuters MOSCOW (Reuters) – The head of the Russian Orthodox Church told newly elected Pope Francis on Thursday they must act together to defend Christians persecuted in some parts of the world and promote traditional values against secularism. The Russian Orthodox Church shares the Roman Catholic Church’s conservative stances on many moral issues but disputes still strain relations nearly a millennium after the Great Schism split Christianity into eastern and western branches. “Orthodox believers and Catholics need to join forces today to safeguard Christians in need of support and sympathy, subject to pressure and persecution in different parts of…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America The recently refurbished main reception room at the Chancery of the Orthodox Church in America here was dedicated to the memory of the late Metropolitan Leonty on Tuesday evening, March 12, 2013. After celebrating a Panikhida for the repose of Metropolitan Leonty’s soul, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presided at the dedication. Members of the Holy Synod of Bishops, who began their spring session earlier in the day, were present, as were members of the late Primate’s family and guests associated with him. His Eminence, Archbishop Justinian of Naro-Fominsk, Administrator of the Patriarchal Parishes in the…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] – In a letter dated March 14, 2013, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon offered congratulations to the newly elected Pope Francis. “It is with joy that I convey to You the congratulations of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America on the occasion of Your election as Pope,” the letter opens. “Your example as Archbishop of Buenos Aires has told the world that Your commitment is to the Gospel of Christ, its truth and its love. Your witness during Your first steps as Pope confirms this commitment strongly and without reservation.”…

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