Source: Orthodox Church in America ROSSFORD, OH [OCA] His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah, and the members of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America will consecrate Archimandrite Alexander [Golitzin] to the episcopacy at Saint George Cathedral here Saturday, May 5, 2012. On October 4, 2011, the members of the Holy Synod canonically elected Archimandrite Alexander to the vacant See of Toledo and the OCA’s Bulgarian Diocese. The election followed a year-long search on the part of the diocese, during which a number of candidates to fill the See proclaimed vacant upon the repose of His Eminence, the…
Browsing: Orthodox News
Source: Orthodox Church in America UNALASKA, AK [OCA] Graffiti sprayed on the historic Holy Ascension of Our Lord Cathedral here in late April 2012 has “sparked outrage,” reported the Alaska Dispatch. While the words “Dutch” and “Duncha,” written in a childish scrawl in gray spray paint, were quickly removed, the painful emotions among parishioners and other local residents lingers. “I was very upset and hurt,” Vince Tutiakoff, parish committee president, told Dispatch reporters. “This is the first time in all my years that someone has ever desecrated the church.” He and four other men removed the graffiti. The stately Russian-Colonial…
Source: Orthodox Church in America YONKERS, NY [SVS Press News] The Popular Patristics Series [PPS] published by Saint Vladimir’s Seminary Press recently gained the attention of Logos Research Systems, Inc., the world’s largest developer of Bible software — a surprising but highly welcomed overture for the seminary’s academic press. PPS provides accurate and annotated translations of the Church Fathers and other early Christian writings, and Logos typically partners with publishers to produce electronic Bible study resources. In its venture with SVS Press, Logos has decided to link biblical and patristic writings for the benefit of pastors, students, and lay readers.…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NEW YORK – His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios announced the appointment of the Rev. Anastasios Gounaris, a very capable and outstanding clergyman of the Holy Archdiocese of America, as Dean of our Holy Trinity Cathedral. Father Anastasios, who will assume his new assignment as of June 1, has faithfully served the Archdiocese as a priest for almost 30 years, the past 21 years at Holy Trinity in Indianapolis. In the official letter to the Board of Trustees of the Cathedral, announcing the appointment of Father Anastasios, the Chancellor Bishop Andonios writing on behalf of the…
Source: CBS News (CBS News) The exodus from the Holy Land of Palestinian Christians could eventually leave holy cities like Jerusalem and Bethlehem without a local Christian population, Bob Simon reports. Why are they leaving? For some, life in the middle of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has become too difficult. The following script is from “Christians of the Holy Land” which aired on April 22, 2012. Bob Simon is the correspondent. Harry Radliffe, producer. Christianity may have been born in the Middle East, but Arab Christians have never had it easy there, especially not today. In Iraq and Egypt, scores of…
Source: The National Herald | John G. Rangos, Sr. To the Editor: Current economic conditions in Greece have turned into a full-blown humanitarian crisis. I anticipated this several months before the situation hit its saturation point, which is why I urged International Orthodox Christian Charities to study and assess the problem ahead of time. I’m extremely proud of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and its executive director, Dean Triantafilou, for all their fine work over the last 20 years. IOCC is the only Orthodox Christian charity operating on a transnational level. It is a widely-recognized and highly-respected philanthropic agency, which…
Source: The National Herald | Theodore Kalmoukos NEW YORK – Rev. Dr. Frank Marangos, former presiding priest of the Holy Trinity Archdiocesan Cathedral of New York, has joined the O’Meara Ferguson Whelan & Conway Company in the fundraising wing, according to the company’s website. Marangos appears without the cleric’s regalia but instead with suit and tie. No mention is made that he is or he has been a Greek Orthodox priest, but he is simply identified as “Dr. Frank Marangos.” Marangos did not respond to TNH’s request for comment. Also, Cathedral Parish Council President Stefanos Tserpelis did not respond. TNH…
It is with a sense of sadness and celebration that I convey to you that OCL’s loyal advisory board member and my friend and advisor Deacon John Zarras has Fallen Asleep in the Lord – Sunday April 1 about 1:30 pm. Deacon John was a passionate supporter of the mission of Orthodox Christian Laity. He was a visionary planner for Orthodox Christian Unity. He joined the OCL movement formally as an advisory board member in 2000 and helped us plan the 16th Annual Meeting: “The Orthodox Christian Ministries Networking Conference.” He also helped me with so many details as we…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops | Alexei Krindatch Assembly of Bishops Research Coordinator Alexei Krindatch has released a new 40-page report titled, Five Interesting Facts About Orthodox Church Geography and Demography in the United States. The report includes the following sections: Orthodox Church Membership in America Orthodox Church Geography in America Orthodox Church Attendance in America Ethnic Culture in American Orthodox Churches Orthodox Monastic Communities in America Download it now in PDF format.
Source: DECR Communications English translation by Katherine Ilachinski On March 16, 2012, a group of journalists accredited in Russia, the People’s Republic of China media (“Xinhua” news agency, China Central Television, China Radio International, China’s news agency, newspaper “People’s Daily”, “Guangming Daily”, “Economic Daily”, “Wen Wei Po”) visited the Trinity-Sergius Lavra . The trip was organized by the Russian-Chinese Business Council and the Department for External Church Relations of Moscow Patriarchate, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Embassy of China in Russia. In the city administration the Chinese journalists were welcomed…
Source: Commentary Magazine | David Aikman From Egypt to North Korea, an unlikely minority suffers a plague of persecution IN OCTOBER 2011, when the so-called Arab Spring took a dark turn in Cairo, Egypt, the social media and smartphone technologies that had aided protesters in their fight for freedom captured new and dangerous developments. On video-hosting websites such as YouTube, one can see footage of the Muslim mobs that began throwing rocks at Coptic Christians on October 8. These young Copts had been protesting the burning of a Coptic church in Aswan and the failure of the Egyptian authorities to…
Source: The Wall Street Journal Regarding Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren’s “Israel and the Plight of Mideast Christians” (op-ed, March 9): No doubt, his piece will be compelling for many readers. Christians in North America are generally sympathetic to Christians who suffer elsewhere. More negatively, many respond well when blame for that suffering is placed on Muslims. The biggest problem with Mr. Oren’s analysis, however, is that it stands in sharp disagreement with the perspectives shared by those he presumably wants to protect. Mr. Oren seeks to speak for Palestinian Christians before he has spoken with them. Palestinian Christians have produced…