Browsing: Orthodox News

Source: The Persecution of Christians The Egyptian government is very slow to approve applications for the construction of new churches. This story illustrates what are all too often the consequences: Christians go ahead with construction of an urgently needed church, and then are subjected to mob violence, often aided and abetted by government officials. As Father Sami says below: “What happened frightened us. I am a priest and it is possible for the police to cuff me if the extremist neighboring Muslims protest or gathered in front of my church. Things are getting worse, but let us pray to make…

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Source: International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) The Holy and Great Council of Crete in 2016 demonstrated that pan-Orthodox gatherings are possible in our time. In response to the call of the conciliar spirit, and with the blessing of the Church leadership, the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) assembled for its Inaugural Conference in Iaşi, Romania on January 9-12, 2019. Founded by Dr. Paul L. Gavrilyuk (President), Dr. Gayle E. Woloschak (Vice-President and Treasurer), Dr. Carrie Frederick Frost (Secretary), and a group of leading scholars (Group Chairs), IOTA’s mission is to promote the international exchange of knowledge within the context of the Orthodox tradition.…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – The Missions Institute of Orthodox Christianity has been established since 2010 at Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, MA, directed by Fr. Luke Veronis, who also teaches classes on missions. He is also presiding priest at Sts. Constantine and Helen parish in Webster Massachusetts. Fr. Luke has served as a missionary in Kenya, preaching the Gospel of Christ and baptizing hundreds into the Orthodox Church. He also served for twelve-and-one-half years with Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania. During the Clergy-Laity Congress of the…

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Source: The National Herald By Associated Press MOSCOW (AP) — Fire has broken out in a building at the renowned Pechersk monastery complex in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, but is not endangering any significant buildings and there have been no reported injuries. The fire broke out Monday afternoon on the second floor of the two-story building and spread to the roof. The cause of the fire was not immediately determined. The building reportedly was undergoing renovation after being derelict. Management of the monastery complex, which is famous for its extensive catacombs, is split between the Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and…

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Source: OINOS Educational Consulting by Frank Marangos, D.Min., Ed.D., FCEP “The culture of an organization is like a river. It can be fluid, strong and consistent, serving as a lubricant while guiding its members in the right direction. In contrast, a river can become stale and toxic, silently killing those who drink at its shore.” ~ Ron Kaufman (2002) Each year, the Oxford Press selects, then narrows down, a list of words that best highlight the manner in which the English lexicon is changing in response to current events. According to Katherine Martin, editor of the publisher’s US Dictionaries, “Oxford’s 2018 Word…

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Source: International Orthodox Theological Association IOTA’s Inaugural Conference: A Call to Pan-Orthodox Unity IOTA Inaugural Conference, Iasi, 9-12 January 2019: Te Deum Service  Dr. Paul Gavrilyuk – Presidential Welcome Address at IOTA Inaugural Conference Message of His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church for IOTA Opening Ceremony  IOTA Inaugural Conference, 9-12 January 2019: Keynote Address by Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware)  IOTA Inaugural Conference, Iasi, 9-12 January 2019: 10 January Summary  CLICK HERE to visit IOTA’s YouTube Channel for over 100 video presentations. Related Articles ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN LAITY PRESENTATION TO IOTA CONFERENCE, Orthodox Christian Laity

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Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh, in a letter dated December 22, 2018 to the Clergy and Parish Council members of the Metropolis of Pittsburgh, warned about the release from prison of former priest Nicholas Hughes who in 2012 was arrested and has served six years in prison for pederasty. In the meantime, the Ecumenical Patriarchate defrocked him and returned him to the ranks of the laity. Hughes was a celibate priest with the title of Archimandrite and served as Dean of the Annunciation Cathedral in Columbus Ohio. Metropolitan Savas in his letter…

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Source: The Washington Post By Harrison Smith As a fifth of Romania’s capital was destroyed, razed by bulldozers and wrecking balls that sometimes erased all traces of a building overnight, the residents of Bucharest developed a new term for the mutilation of their city in the early 1980s. Worse than World War II, more devastating than a strong 1977 earthquake, the massive redevelopment project was dubbed Ceausima, a portmanteau that evoked the name of communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu — who aimed to build the “first socialist capital for the new socialist man” — and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Yet as the demolition got…

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Source: St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Yonkers, NY – St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (SVOTS) is poised to establish a permanent Institute of Sacred Arts (ISA) on its campus, with “creativity and holiness for the life of the world” as its mission, thanks to a $250,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. The grant, announced November 29, 2018, will help the Seminary build upon the Sacred Arts Initiative (SAI) which the Luce Foundation also funded in 2016. The Institute of Sacred Arts will introduce a curriculum where art and theology are mutually interpretive: theology informing the arts, but also arts informing theology. “Many universities and divinity…

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Source: Tampa Bay Times A former dove-bearer and granddaughter of St. Nicholas’ longtime priest calls the rule ‘theologically unjustifiable’ By Tracey McManus TARPON SPRINGS — For 112 years, a priest has cast a white cross into the Spring Bayou as boys in good standing with St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral dived into the water for the chance to find it, the highlight of the annual Epiphany event celebrating the baptism of Jesus Christ. Tradition says the one who emerges grasping the cross is rewarded with a year of blessings. In Tarpon Springs, the largest Epiphany celebration in the Western Hemisphere, boys…

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Source: St. Basil Greek Orthodox Church Service Celebrate’s Christ’s Baptism in the River Jordan On Sunday, January 6, 2019, at 12:30 pm at the Park Number 571 Boathouse, at 2828 South Eleanor Street in Chicago, St Basil Greek Orthodox Church will hold the Second Annual Theophany/Epiphany Blessing of the Waters service on the Chicago River. Outdoor Blessing of the Water services are spiritually important for Eastern Orthodox parishioners, but rare in this part of the world. While in the past outdoor Blessing of the Water services have been held within the City of Chicago, it had been over a decade…

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Source: Bigorski Monastery On January 4, 2019, His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew welcomed in his patriarchal residence the Reverend Hieromonk Luke of Xenophontos. Father Lucas, the most famous Athonite painter and calligrapher, gave His All Holiness the parchment with a calligraphy of the Tomos for the autocephalous Church in Ukraine, hand written by him, with the blessing of his Abbot, Archimandrite Alexios of the Xenophontos Monastery, Mount Athos. The representatives of the Ukrainian Church, headed by the Metropolitan of Kiev, Epiphanius, have already arrived at Phanar, where the next day they will attend the ceremonious act of the Tomos ratification by the Ecumenical Patriarch.…

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