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Browsing: Orthodox News
Source: Solia – The Herald by Bishop THOMAS (Joseph) and Peter Schweitzer as presented at the Church of St Patrick, Warrenton, VA There is a common tendency in our Western culture to equate the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Orthodox Church to corporations which are institutional structures that are driven by commerce and production. In so doing, we equate bishops with CEOs and priests and deacons as mid-level managers. Accordingly, parish councils operate as ecclesiastical boards of directors, bishops operate at the pleasure of the parish councils, and priests and deacons implement the directives and goals set forth by the councils. The adoption of this corporate…
Source: Read Part 1 here, Part 2 here and Part 3 here. by Frank Marangos D.Min., Ed.D. “Happy is that house which is visited by some royal personage. But more happy is the soul that is visited by the Queen of the world, the most holy Mary, who cannot but fill with mercies and graces those blessed souls whom she deigns to visit with her favors.” ~ Saint Alphonsus de’ Liguori In 626, while the Byzantine Emperor Heracleios was on a military expedition, a barbaric horde laid siege upon his territory’s defenseless capital. In desperation, the outnumbered citizens of Constantinople turned to…
Source: Coptic Dad & Mom Today, Palm Sunday 2017, two bombs exploded in Egypt, one inside St. George’s Church in Tanta, and one just outside St. Mark’s in Alexandria wherein Pope Tawadros II was praying. At the Eve of Monday Pascha service, Fr. Boules George gave a most powerful and compelling sermon. Because we English-speakers are deprived of 90% of the beautiful things that come out of the Church (this is not a statistical fact but it is a feeling), I tried to translate as much of this clip as I could in my weak understanding. It gave me SO…
Source: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral / Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta As an Orthodox Christian living in the South, I remember with gratitude my grandparents and other forefathers, clergy and laity, who had the foresight and faith to adapt the teachings and the sacraments of their faith in this new land. They came here, and without the infrastructure of centralized religious institutions, built the churches and brought priests to attend to their spiritual needs. The early clergy and laity worked together, respecting each other’s talents, building our communities. To administer the sacrament of Holy Unction on Holy Wednesday, laity, with…
Source: Christian Newswire Contact: Lindsay Vessey, Coptic Solidarity, 801-512-1713 WASHINGTON, April 10, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ — Coptic Solidarity strongly condemns the cowardly church bombings on Palm Sunday (April 9) in Tanta, and Alexandria, which murdered at least 43 and injured over 120 individuals. Although ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks, this remains to be confirmed, as it has claimed responsibility for other attacks in the past. Moreover, ISIS-Egypt is a homegrown terror network that flourishes on Islamic “theology of hatred” that prevails in Egypt. This latest pogrom comes four months after the bombing at Sts. Peter and Paul Church in…
Source: Christian Newswire MIDLAND, Texas, April 10, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ — As Trump convenes with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Florida, the husband of an American citizen languishes in a Chinese prison. John Cao, a pastor renowned for his educational endeavors among Myanmar’s minority groups, was arrested by public security officials in Yunnan on March 5 and arbitrarily charged with “organizing illegal crossings of national borders.” Retracting their promise to his family that he would be released, authorities formally arrested Cao on March 25. As a result, his relatives, which include his wife, North Carolina native and U.S. citizen Jamie Powell, and their…
Source: St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church, Boca Raton FL “Ministry” is from the Greek word diakoneo, meaning “to serve”. Our Pastors spend their lives in ministry but are not the only ones called into the Lord’s service. We as the Laity also have a responsibility to obey the Lord’s commands and follow His examples to bring others to Him. Our priests, Fr. Mark and Fr. Steven, appealed to parishioners to join them in a formalized Outreach Ministry Committee to explore ways to increase the witness of our Faith. A small group of us took up the challenge. We held our…
Source: Moscow, April 10, 2017 Known to millions as the “Bible Answer Man,” 77-year-old Hank Hanegraaff and his wife were received into the Orthodox Church this year on the great feast of Palm Sunday, at St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church in Charlotte, NC. Mr. Hanegraaff can be seen kneeling with a lit candle under a priest’s epitrachelion in the picture to the right. His wife’s hands can be seen as well. The picture originates from the Facebook page of the parish, but has been removed after an influx of comments, including negative remarks from those who appreciated Hanegraaff’s work…
Source: By Gary S. Shogren, Professor of New Testament, San Jose, Costa Rica, Usually it’s the Old Testament that garners all the publicity for archaeological finds, and for good reasons: the Israelites inhabited the land for centuries and left behind all kinds of artifacts. Jesus and the apostles did not erect buildings or put up inscriptions or make special clay pots. Nevertheless, New Testament archaeology has yielded some excellent and surprising finds. My criteria here are: fmds from the last few years; fmds that reveal some sort of physical evidence for the New Testament story; and frankly, things…
Source: Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America The book “Treasures of Romanian Christianity: Hesychast Tradition and Culture,” written by Metropolitan Serafim Joanta, will be available for free in e-book (Amazon Kindle) format on Lazarus Saturday, Palm Sunday and on Holy Pascha (April 8-9, 16, 2017) at the the following link:
Source: Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America In December 2016, we made an appeal: HELP MARIA – Make a Christmas Miracle Happen! Today, we are making a Paschal Appeal: $19,000 raised but $13,000 still needed. In order for Maria Elena Sauca to receive the follow-up operations she needs on April 24 and May 1, 2017 in Royal Oak, Michigan, $13,000 is still needed. Please make a donation during the Paschal season. Donation information (checks and online) is listed below at the end of the letter from Nobody’s Children. We send our deep gratitude and humble thanks from Nobody’s Children and Baby Maria…