Dear Member, Supporter and Friend of Orthodox Christian Laity,
Your support and commitment to OCL is more important now as we begin to move into a new era in the United States. This new era is about regularizing the un-canonical organization of the Orthodox Church in the United States. The Patriarchs have asked the bishops to create a new blueprint for a unified Church in the United States. We need to support our Assembly of Bishops to become our Synod of Bishops. We are asking you to consider becoming an OCL board member if you have a passion for our mission – which is to maintain the role of the laity in Church governance in synergy with our clerical brothers. We all need to be working together for the administrative unity of the Church. OCL provides the opportunity to inform Orthodox Christians about efforts to meet the unity objective.
You are getting this request to consider being a board member, because you have been a consistent and steady supporter of OCL over these many years. Your prayers, financial support and input enable OCL to remain the independent voice of the laity. You enable us to maintain an excellent web site ( which brings news, ideas, and discussion of Orthodox Christian concerns. You enable us to present stimulating workshops and discussions at our annual meetings, and many of these have been videotaped for you to view on our web site (see the right hand column on the home page). All 26 national meetings have been about the possibility and consequences of a unified Orthodox Church in the U.S. Check out the topics on our web site.
Orthodox Christianity has thrived in the United States because of the work and support of the laity, even before there were various ethnic Archdioceses. The gift of religious freedom and the resources of the laity in terms of time, talent, and finances have built the infrastructure of Orthodoxy; and now, efforts are being made to unify the various groupings into a self-governing body. This unified Orthodox Christian Church will result in better uses of the resources we provide. Orthodoxy speaking in a unified voice will be better able to reach out to those wishing to be part of the Apostolic and historical Church.
Contact us with your interest and/or resume via email ( or PO Box 6954, West Palm Beach, FL 33405. We will follow up with you by sending you more information and answering your questions. Thank you for your consideration.
George Matsoukas, Executive Director