Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Prot. No. 164/2021 Archiepiscopal Encyclical on the Apostolic Visit of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch BARTHOLOMEW to the United States June 30, 2021 Synaxis of the Holy and Glorious Twelve Apostles Unto the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Hierarchs, Pious Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, Presidents and Members of Parish Councils, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Members of Leadership 100, the Day and Afternoon Schools, Philoptochos Societies, the Youth, Greek Orthodox Organizations, and the entirety of the Christ-named Plenitude of the Holy Archdiocese of America. My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,…
Browsing: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE FOLLOWING LETTERS AND RESPONSES COMPILED IN A BOOKLET AS AN OCCASIONAL PAPER UPDATE: Letter #7 – Orthodox Church in western, pluralistic democracies / Conciliarity and balanced co-ministry (#7) Letter of June 8, 2021 June 8, 2021 Translation of the Relics of Theodore the Commander; Kalliope the Martyr; Melania the Righteous His Eminence, Archbishop ELPIDOPHOROS The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America 10 East 79th Street, New York, NY 10021 Your Eminence, Christ is risen! The Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) again wishes you good health in these pandemic times as we continue with…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine Holy Altar Takes Shape The Holy Altar of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center has begun to take shape. Follow the progress at
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros has formed the Advisory Committee on the Charter whose purpose is to solicit feedback and ideas from across the Archdiocese as to the future of the Archdiocese as a whole body of our Church in America. The Committee is chaired by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros and Archon Michael Psaros, and its members represent the entire breadth of the Church. The Committee includes Hierarchs, representatives from each Metropolis appointed by the respective Hierarch, Senators for Orthodoxy and Hellenism, members of the Archdiocesan Council, representation from the institutions of the Archdiocese, members…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity On May 8, 2004, the Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) sponsored an Open Forum at Oak Brook, Illinois, wherein the issues relating to the Charter Crisis in the Greek Orthodox Church were discussed. The meeting was well attended (Illinois and neighboring states), and the responses obtained from the audience were overwhelmingly favorable. This video is an abridged version of that meeting. The presenters are all individuals with long, dedicated service to the Greek Orthodox Church over many decades. The Clergy-Laity Congress took place in New York, July 25-29, 2004. Peter Hailkalis, PhD – President of OCL…
Source: The National Herald By Christopher Tripoulas Originally published on April 15, 2021 The process of drafting a new charter for the Archdiocese of America has officially begun and is expected to be completed next year, symbolically coinciding with the centennial anniversary of the Archdiocese’s formal establishment. Over the past 25 years, major structural changes have occurred in the administrative composition of the Church in America. In 1996, the Ecumenical Patriarchate split the onetime Archdiocese of North and South America into four distinct and independent eparchies: Canada, America, Mexico and Central America, and Buenos Aires and South America. In 2003,…
Source: The National Herald NEW YORK — In a historic vote, the Archdiocese Benefits Committee voted to secure the future of the “Pension Plan for Clergymen and Lay Employees of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.” After many months of diligent work, and with the loving support and leadership of His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros, the Committee voted to accept the amendments to the Pension Plan document that will improve the funding of the Plan and the protection of the vested benefits that are due to the members of the Plan. In addition, the changes to the plan accept the new…
Source: The National Herald By Christopher Tripoulas The process of drafting a new charter for the Archdiocese of America has officially begun and is expected to be completed next year, symbolically coinciding with the centennial anniversary of the Archdiocese’s formal establishment. Over the past 25 years, major structural changes have occurred in the administrative composition of the Church in America. In 1996, the Ecumenical Patriarchate split the onetime Archdiocese of North and South America into four distinct and independent eparchies: Canada, America, Mexico and Central America, and Buenos Aires and South America. In 2003, through the granting of the most…
Source: The National Herald By Theodore Kalmoukos BOSTON – The process that will lead to a new charter for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America is beginning based on a decision by the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Archdiocese, which was convened by its president Archbishop Elpidophoros of America. According to the Communiqué of the Holy Eparchial Synod, the purpose of the new charter is to meet “the visions and expectations of the clergy and laity in view of the completion next year of the 100th anniversary since its founding.” For this purpose, “the process envisions the establishment of a…
Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Today, April 5, 2021 His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America convened the Holy Eparchial Synod via video conference for a regularly scheduled meeting. During this gathering, the Holy Eparchial Synod: 1) was officially informed of the release from the status of academic probation which had been imposed upon Hellenic College Holy Cross by the New England Commission on Higher Education, and it unanimously congratulated the President of the School, Archon George Cantonis, and all the administrators for this success. 2) expressed its satisfaction with the favorable outcome of a funding solution for the Clergy…
Source: Helleniscope By Nick Stamatakis Remarkable news came out of yesterday’s Eparchial Synod regarding the procedure to form a new charter for GOA. According to the official announcement, “…the process envisions the establishment of a broader Committee, in which all the organizations and bodies of the Church and of the Omogoneia will be represented, plus four representatives from each Holy Metropolis chosen by the respective hierarch. Every member of the faithful will be given the opportunity to send their opinions to a designated email address:” Yes, my friends, the official announcement has an active link to the email!… I believe that it is the…
Did you know that the GOA was established as an autocephalous church in America & Canada in 1924? (See seal to the left) Did you know that pressure was applied from abroad in the late 1920s to rescind the autocephaly? See Dr. Paul Manolis’s three-volume study of the GOA which documents the forced alteration of synodical minutes to eliminate references to the autocephalous status here. Did you know that the GOA is incorporated in NY and is a tax-exempt corporation? (See seal below to the right). Did you know GOA has had 6 different charters in 99 years – a…