Browsing: Orthodox Christian Laity

Source: Orthodox Christian Laity August 14, 2019 Eve of the Dormition of the Theotokos His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America 8-10 East 79th Street New York, New York 10075-0106 Your Eminence: We greatly appreciate the privilege of meeting with you on July 31st, so early in your ministry to the Church and its people here in America. We all felt that this was a most collegial and constructive meeting. We appreciated your openness and desire for us to be candid with you in return. We thank you for your hospitality. We thank you for…

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We look forward to your attendance at the 32nd Annual Meeting of OCL with much anticipation!

The speakers for our November 2, 2019, “Pan-Orthodox” event are confirmed, and they are looking forward to making their presentations: Kenneth Kidd of Focus North America, Father Steven Powley of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries, and Mike Spartalis, CPA and Adjunct Professor of Ethics at The Bauer College of Business, University of Houston. We are thankful to Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver for giving his blessing to this event and adding his thoughts on “Pan-Orthodoxy” for our understanding. Click on the link for the schedule (

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The meeting included from Left to right: George Matsoukas, OCL Board Members Argo Pyle (President), Peter J. Petkas and George Karcazes (Vice Presidents) and Dr William Tenet, Advisory Board Member. Overview of the work of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) presented to Archbishop Elpidophoros by Executive Director George Matsoukas on July 31, 2019, at a meeting with His Eminence at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in NYC. OCL is a movement, a catalyst that advocates for the renewal of the Orthodox Christian Church in the USA.  It is composed of supporters from all jurisdictions throughout the USA.  We…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity We look forward to your attendance at the 32nd Annual Meeting of OCL with much anticipation! The speakers for our November 2, 2019, “Pan-Orthodox” event are confirmed, and they are looking forward to making their presentations: Kenneth Kidd of Focus North America, Father Steven Powley of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries, and Mike Spartalis, CPA and Adjunct Professor of Ethics at The Bauer College of Business, University of Houston.  We are thankful to Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver for giving his blessing to this event and adding his thoughts on “Pan-Orthodoxy” for our understanding.(Click on the flyer below…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Houston, Texas is Thinking Globally and Acting Locally on Pan-Orthodox Unity SAVE THE DATE:  November 2, 2019 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral 3511 Yoakum Boulevard Houston, TX 77006 With the Blessing and Participation of Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver, the Houston Program is shaping up. Guest Speakers include: Kenneth Kidd helps us understand what a difference FOCUS North America Programs make in a community for outreach, youth participation and meeting the needs of people who lack food and shelter.  Cleveland and Pittsburgh are programs that OCL has seen directly. Father Steven Powley of Pueblo, Colorado, will help us understand…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity “Relent, do not be unjust; reconsider, for my integrity is at stake”. (Job 6:29)  The study of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and its relations with Greece and Constantinople is troubling as these documents described by Professor James Counelis of blessed memory demonstrate.  As the stepchild of Constantinople, the autonomy of the Archdiocese has been diminished with each Charter.  With the present Charter, the Archdiocese has been reduced to a colony controlled from abroad.  The Metropolitans and Archbishop in the United States are auxiliary bishops of the Patriarch in Constantinople.  There is, in effect, no Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Historically, the administration of the Orthodox Christian Church is shepherded by a bishop in a geographic area.  Geography, bishops and cities are interrelated.  This reality remains until today, and this is a major cause of the impasse among Patriarchs and Assemblies of Bishops in the USA and other parts of the world. Historically, the Orthodox Christian Church taught the faith and conducted its missionary work in the language of the people where they lived and in their own cultural setting. It helped create written languages where the people had none, and it taught in that language…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The meeting of the Orthodox Christian Laity directors in Bonita Springs, Florida, at the end of March, was successful on many levels.  Two new board members, Chris Panagos, Clearwater, FL and Pamela Collins, Naples, FL, were welcomed. Board members attended Salutations Services followed by a Lenten Supper. Board member Dr. Gayle Woloschack presented insights into the organization of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) Meeting in Romania in January 2019. The morning board meeting provided challenging discussions and actions as we move forward into the second decade of the 21st Century.  Here are a few highlights:…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity It is our right and duty to communicate with each other across Orthodox Christian jurisdictional groupings. Every month, we must celebrate and report the ministry and outreach programs and activities we do by joining together in unity. Thank you, Baltimore, for sharing your Bible Learning program. We are disappointed that the Greek Orthodox parishes did not participate. We are also disappointed to read the Greek Orthodox response to a request to inform parishioners in Naples, Florida, of the OCL Open Forum which was held on March 29 in neighboring Bonita Springs, Florida. The presenter was Dr Gayle Woloschak, and the…

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Orthodox Christians worldwide are gathering with each other and communicating with each other. Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) is happy to invite you to attend the South West Florida Open Forum to learn more about its commitment and efforts to promote Orthodox Christian Unity in the USA. Friday, March 29, 2019 at 7:00 pm Bonita Springs, Florida St Peter the Apostle Antiochian Orthodox Christian Mission 24850 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Phone (239) 248-4775 5:30 pm: Lenten Salutations Service 6:30 pm: Fellowship Gathering (Light Lenten Supper will be served) 7:00 pm: PROGRAM An Introduction of the Mission of Orthodox…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity OCL is delighted that the 2019 calendar year got off to a meaningful start for Orthodox Christians at home and abroad. It is delightful to see Orthodox Christian faithful people communicating with each other. I hope that you can find 6 minutes in your busy schedules to watch the video of Pan-Orthodox Activities taking place in Cleveland, Ohio. We would love to hear updates from you about people communicating and working together in your communities. What Pan-Orthodox activities are you engaged with in Houston, Denver, Atlanta and other Southern communities; Detroit, Metropolitan New York, Chicago, D.C./…

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