Source: Orthodox Times At a special ceremony this morning Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was proclaimed an honorary citizen of the municipality of Thermaikos at the municipal premises of Neoi Epivates. Bartholomew made an extensive reference to St. Paraskevi Epivatini, the ancestor of the current inhabitants of Neoi Epivates – whose skeleton is now in Iasi of Romania and is venerated with devotion by thousands of believers -, stressing that it had been granted by the Ecumenical Patriarch Parthenios I in 1641 through the mediation of a ruler of Danubian Principalities, because he had benefited the Patriarchate. And on the occasion of…
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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Sunday, June 5, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) REGISTER HERE: The Atlanta Inter-Orthodox Parish Association (AIOPA) is a committee of the Atlanta Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood (AOCB). It was officially formed during its first meeting on March 17, 2022, and is an initiative of the Committee for Canonical Regional Planning of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA. AIOPA consists of clergy and laity representatives from all Orthodox parishes. Its purpose is to efficiently facilitate and maintain pan-Orthodox parish-to-parish communications, activities and cooperation (the “One Church Initiative”) in pilot metro areas.…
Source: Christianity Today Possible manufacture of holy oil a signal of declaration of independence from Moscow patriarchate, while still opposing rival breakaway church. by JAYSON CASPER After 93 days of war, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) has definitively broken with Russia—maybe. In a council decision taken May 27, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC)–affiliated body declared its “full self-sufficiency and independence,” condemning the three-month conflict as “a violation of God’s commandment: Thou shalt not kill!” Such a condemnation was not new. The day the invasion began, UOC-MP Metropolitan Onufriy called it a “repetition of the sin of Cain.” But in dry ecclesial language,…
Source: Orthodox Times “The monks are not above the church, or despite the church, but within the church, and even as its chosen constitution,” stressed Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, during his visit to the Karakallou Monastery on Mount Athos yesterday afternoon, calling on the monks to preserve the “basic and undeniable truths” of the apostolic teaching, against “temptations” and “voices” that lead in the opposite direction to the imposed unity and functionality of the church. “Unfortunately, on two occasions, for example, the concession of autocephaly to the Church of Ukraine and the coronavirus pandemic, voices are heard, sadly and bitterly said…
Source: The New York Times Patriarch Kirill I has provided spiritual cover for the invasion of Ukraine, reaping vast resources for his church in return. Now, in an extraordinary step, the E.U. is threatening him with sanctions. By Jason Horowitz As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine unfolded, Patriarch Kirill I, the leader of the Moscow-based Russian Orthodox Church, had an awkward Zoom meeting with Pope Francis. The two religious leaders had previously worked together to bridge a 1,000-year-old schism between the Christian churches of the East and West. But the meeting, in March, found them on opposing sides of a chasm. Kirill…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Contoocook, NH — The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation met for its one-hundredth meeting at the Saint Methodios Faith and Heritage Center in Contoocook, New Hampshire, on May 17-19, 2022. Some participants also attended online. The Consultation, co-chaired by Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin, the Catholic Archbishop of Newark, and by Greek Orthodox Metropolitan Methodios of Boston, heard presentations on the mystery of marriage in both Catholic and Orthodox Churches examining from the secular sources the Christian dimension it acquired through time. The sacramentality of marriage signifies the relationship between Christ and…
Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] Online Registration is now open for the 2022 Parish Development Forum, to be held from 10:00 AM EDT to 5:15 PM on Friday June 17. The Forum is co-sponsored by the Orthodox Church in America’s Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania, the Diocese of the Midwest and the Bulgarian Diocese. “While we hope to return to in-person Forums in coming years, it seems most effective to once again offer the Parish Development Forum as a one-day online session,” said Joseph Kormos, Forum co-chairperson and Parish Development Ministry Leader for the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania. “Having the Forum online will also help parishes redirect their travel…
Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Tuesday, May 17, 2022 To the Pleroma of the Orthodox Christian Church in the USA Beloved in the Risen Christ: Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! With great sorrow, we learned today of the passing of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, the ever-memorable Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral). Metropolitan Hilarion was a kind, humble, and able servant of his flock, respected and loved by all who knew him. On behalf of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, we pray for the eternal…
Orthodox Christian Laity Advisory Board Member and Spiritual Advisor, His Eminence, Archbishop Nathaniel, is honored with the bestowal of Doctor Honoris Causa by St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, Yonkers, New York, on May 14, 2022. CLICK HERE OR ON THE PHOTO ABOVE TO VIEW THE PRESENTATION
Source: Eurasia Review By Paul Goble Despite its efforts to position itself as a Ukrainian church rather than a church of the country that is invading Ukraine, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is now showing its true colors by dismissing from pastoral service priests that have denounced the invasion and cooperated with the autocephalous Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The number of such cases is still small and is being handled not by the Russian metropolitanate of Kyiv but by other UOC MP bishoprics, something that keeps this development out of the public eye and likely reflects the individual…
Source: The Tablet by Marcus Tanner Bartholomew welcomed the Church into communion, “thereby healing the wound of schism and pouring ‘oil and wine’ on the ordeal of our brethren”. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople has said that his patriarchate is in full communion with the breakaway Macedonian Church, hitherto treated as a pariah in the Orthodox world. The Ecumenical Patriarchate has surprised the Orthodox world – and added to already strained relations with the Russian Orthodox Church – with a declaration that it is in full communion with the breakaway and unrecognised Macedonian Orthodox Church. On Monday, the Istanbul-based Patriarchate said…
Source: Public Orthodoxy by Paul L. Gavrilyuk Many western observers are puzzled. Aren’t the troops blessed by the Russian Orthodox Church presently slaughtering fellow-Orthodox civilians in Ukraine? Aren’t the Russian missiles destroying the Orthodox churches and monasteries, along with the schools, hospitals, and train stations, of the fellow-Orthodox in Ukraine? If all of this is true, how can Patriarch Kirill be sending the Russian troops into battle with his blessing? Isn’t this war precisely “fratricidal,” as Metropolitan Onufriy (Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate) called it, in a moment of recently found clarity? It did not previously dawn on Metropolitan Onufriy…