Source: Public Orthodoxy by John Fotopoulos There is a common misperception among Orthodox Christians that the reason why Orthodox Easter (i.e. Pascha) often occurs so much later than Western Christian Easter is because the Orthodox Church abides by the rules for calculating the date of Pascha issued by the 1stEcumenical Council at Nicaea in 325 AD and thus the Orthodox must wait for Passover to be celebrated by the Jewish community before Pascha can occur. Despite this view being held by so many Orthodox Christians as well as being promoted in popular essays written by some Orthodox priests, it is…
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Orthodox News Top Stories
Source: Oleg Glagolev, Igumen Arseny (Sokolov) Igumen Arseny (Sokolov), representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia at the Patriarch of Antioch and All East, Rector of the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Beirut, answers questions from the Yekaterinburg-based S-T-O-L ( media-project. —Fr. Arseny, now you serve in the hottest spot on the Earth. Please, tell us of the present situation of the Orthodox Church in Lebanon and Syria. How many priests, parishioners, monasteries, convents and churches do they have? Which churches and historic places are the most popular? —The Church of Antioch has several dioceses…
Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS NEW YORK – The Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America during its spring meeting decided to punish Rev. James Dokos of Chicago with a one-year suspension for stealing money from a trust fund established by a parishioner in Milwaukee, WI. Dokos pleaded guilty to felony theft on February 22, admitting to stealing more than $100,000. He repaid the money, and if he stays out of trouble for a year and performs 40 hours of community service, the felony theft charge will be reduced to a misdemeanor. The one-year punishment,…
Source: Orthodox Observer by Deacon Stephen Muse The Muse side of my family can trace our roots back to the 1500’s in Soul-drop Parish in Lancashire, England. The Trevathan side, my mother’s, are from Cornwall, England. I find the older I get, the more interesting I find such things, not because I am particularly proud of my name or heritage, but because history becomes more palpable – a part of the present, like approaching a holy relic. Elder Sophrony says that all of time and space fit into eternity. History is His Story and ours. The origins and relationship of…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Lent is coming to an end. We are preparing for Holy Week and Pascha. The liturgical cycle will turn toward Pentecost. This Pentecost, June 19, will be different from other celebrations. We are praying and looking forward to the opening sessions of the Holy and Great Council. This meeting has been 1200 years in waiting, and its agenda has taken 80 years to prepare. This council is a turning point in world Orthodox Christianity and indeed the entire Christian world. Bringing the bishops to Chania, Crete has not been an easy task. The Patriarchs, autocephalous and…
Source: We are Orthodox One of the Priests in the Metropolis of Atlanta has published open criticisms of the Ecumenical Patriarch. His website is filled with questionable fundamentalist-type topics. No one appears to be too concerned – even if the Patriarch is called a “betrayer” of the faith by one of the Greek Orthodox Priests in the Metropolis of Atlanta. Did Metropolitan Alexios respond? We have not been made aware of it. Click here to read “So Much for Obedience.”
Source: New York Times By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ATHENS, Greece — Just as Europe starts sending would-be migrants back to Turkey, the leaders of the Catholic and Orthodox churches are heading to a Greek island to voice solidarity with those who have streamed in fleeing war, poverty and persecution. Saturday’s high-powered visit to Lesbos by Pope Francis, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, the spiritual leader of the world’s Orthodox Christians, and Athens Archbishop Ieronymos, the head of the Church of Greece, could embarrass EU leaders already under fire from human rights groups. The Vatican said Thursday that Francis’ five-hour visit to…
Source: Romania Insider The Romanian Orthodox Church Patriarch, his Beatitude Daniel, received the Doctor Honoris Causa degree from the Bucharest Polytechnic University, in a private ceremony that took place at the Patriarchy’s Museum, on Thursday, April 14. This award comes as the Orthodox Church is losing support among the higher-educated young urban people, who have been criticizing the church’s leaders for their efforts to build grand worship places, such as the People’s Salvation Cathedral, rather than helping those in need. The University awarded this title to Patriarch Daniel as a recognition of his support to Romanian education and for the role the Church…
Source: McAlester News-Capital By JAMES BEATY MANAGING EDITOR Parishioners of the historic Sts. Cyril and Methodius Russian Orthodox Greek Catholic Church in Hartshorne [OK] won a dispute over a temporary injunction Wednesday — at least until June, when an ongoing property dispute over the church could land the matter back in court. During action at the Pittsburg County Courthouse in McAlester, District 18 District Judge James Bland issued an order Wednesday keeping a current restraining order in effect until June 1. Judge Bland is ready to revisit the matter if the property dispute is not settled by that time. Following the…
Source: The Times of Israel Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher to stay open during renovation, set to begin next month and run through 2017 BY SUE SURKES Jordan’s King Abdullah is to contribute an unspecified amount towards the upcoming renovation of Jesus’s Tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Jordan Times reported. The work is expected to begin in May and to be completed in early 2017. The site will remain open to visitors during the refurbishment. The king’s decision to donate “at His Majesty’s personal expense” was conveyed in a letter from the Royal Hashemite Court…
Source: By Adam Clark TRENTON — The state Board of Education this week approved a list of religous holidays in the upcoming school year on which schools must allow excused absences. The list, updated annually, includes more than 100 holidays for the 2016-17. Students celebrating those holidays must present a written excuse signed by a parent or guardian. Schools are required to provide students the opportunity to make up any tests or other assessments that they missed. Here is the list of religious holidays for 2016-17: July 2016 July 2 Laylat as-Qadr (Islam) July 7-9 Eid al Fitr (Islam) July…
Source: Newsweek BY CONOR GAFFEY The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) killed scores of Christians when they captured a Syrian town recently liberated by the government, a Syrian Christian leader has said. ISIS swept into the town of Al-Qaryatain in August 2015, kidnapping at least 230 civilians including dozens of Christians in the central Syrian town, which lies 104 kilometers (65 miles) southwest of Palmyra. The town had a population of some 2,000 Syriac Catholics and Orthodox Christians prior to the outbreak of civil war in Syria in 2011, but this had dropped to just 300 before ISIS took control.…