Browsing: Orthodox News

Source: St Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary SOUTH CANAAN, PA [STOTS Media] – Tuesday, June 17 through Thursday, June 19, 2014 St. Tikhon’s Seminary hosted their 2nd Annual Clergy Continuing Education Symposium. Over 60 participants traveled, from several OCA dioceses,  to attend the lectures. Among the participants were clergy and monastics, men, women, seminarians and lay persons. Those attending received up to 18 of the 20 hours now required by the Department of Continuing Education. On Tuesday, June 17 the Symposium opened with a Molieben in the Seminary Chapel. The group then proceeded to room 233 for a lecture by Dr. Christopher…

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Source: ZOE for Life! ZOE for Life! was founded in 1998 in response to a conviction that every life is sacred. ZOE for Life! is a Christ-centered organization with three major goals: 1.  To help women who need confidential emotional and spiritual support during crisis pregnancies 2.  To assist Orthodox Christians seeking to adopt; and 3.  To provide an Orthodox Christian education for Pure Living and other. ZOE’s Board of Directors is comprised of women from four different jurisdictions.  ZOE for Life! has been granted 501 (c)(3) status by the Internal Revenue Service. Christ has constantly sheltered this ministry, providing…

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Source: St Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [STOTS] [SOUTH CANAAN, PA] – St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA is now interviewing qualified people for the position of Director of Development. Those interested may send resume information to 178 St. Tikhon’s Rd. Waymart, PA 18472. St. Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Director of Development Job Description Position:  Reporting to and in partnership with the Dean and Rector, the Development Director (Director) will spearhead development efforts as St. Tikhon’s continues to evolve and grow.  Depending on experience and availability, the position can be part time leading to full time. Director will…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America KYIV, UKRAINE [OCA]- His Beatitude, Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Ukraine, 78, fell asleep in the Lord on Saturday morning, July 5, 2014 after a lengthy illness. His Eminence, Metropolitan Onufriy of Chernivtsi and Bukovina is serving as Locum Tenens until Metropolitan Volodymyr’s successor is elected. Metropolitan Volodymyr will lie in state in the Dormition Cathedal of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra as final funeral preparations are completed. Additional information will be posted as it is received. Born Victor Markiyanovich Sabodan in Ukraine’s Khmelnitsky region, on November 23, 1935, he studied at the Odessa Theological Seminary…

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Source: Orthodox in the District  Perhaps several of you priests have been asked by a family to introduce the “giving away of the bride” by the father, into the Crowning service. However, people in Western cultures appear not to remember the meaning of this action. It is absolutely not permitted in the Orthodox Crowning service. The “giving away” of the bride was done because a woman was owned by her father until he gave her over to be owned by her husband. A woman had no self-identity. Her identity derived from the man who owned here, either as father…

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Source: Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America From June 25–28, 2014, the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East His Beatitude John X joined with the Fathers of the Holy Synod to call the faithful from around the world to the Hill of Balamand for a conference on Antiochian unity. Appropriately, the Conference concluded with the joyous celebration of the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, patron saints of the Antiochian Church. has assembled a collection of photographs highlighting the Unity Conference. Additionally, the Patriarchate of Antioch’s website has published photo galleries and written reports of the historic events in both Arabic and English,…

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Source: Last week, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) held its annual Religion and Foreign Policy Summer Workshop.  Headquartered at the corner of Park Avenue and 68th Street on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the CFR, publisher of the venerable Foreign Affairs, is part of a small, rarified group of organizations whose weighty effects on international relations are widely recognized by global policy cognoscente.  Eight years ago, the CFR launched an initiative to bring together foreign-policy practitioners and “religious and congregational leaders and thinkers” whose ideas, experiences, and interactions can give purchase into understanding the role of religion in world…

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Source: The Fellowship of St. James As of Friday, June 27 Our Readers’ Generosity Thank you! In response to my email this past Saturday, more than 100 donations came in bringing ourremaining need from $32,000 down to $17,500, by June 30, midnight tonight. We will be going to the Post Office later this morning to get the weekend’s and today’s mail. Afterwards, I will send you one last update this afternoon. I will also be sending you my usual Friday reflection this week, but a day early because of the U.S. holiday. So I am grateful! And it’s still not too late to make a donation if you’d like to join…

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Source: The Christian Century by Philip Jenkins During the 1990s, perhaps 150,000 people perished in the hellish violence that raged over the Balkan peninsula. Al­though the conflicts were largely defined by ethnic differences, religion played a critical role in the three-sided war be­tween Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Muslims. Armed gangs would burst into a house and demand that residents make the sign of the cross. Your life could depend on whether you made the horizontal bar from right to left (Orthodox) or vice versa (Catholic). Across Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina, ancient places of worship were desecrated and their artistic treasures vandalized.…

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Source: The National Herald CHICAGO, IL – The District Attorney’s office of the State of Wisconsin plans to indict Rev. James Dokos, priest of the Sts. Peter and Paul parish in Glenview, IL for theft (embezzlement). The charges follow a yearlong investigation of the Trust of an elderly parishioner who appointed Dokos as trustee. If convicted, Dokos may have to pay a fine up to $25,000 and face up to 10 years in prison. TNH reported last August that the whole issue started in 2008 Margaret Franczak, a parishioner at the Annunciation Church in Milwaukee, WI shortly before her passing…

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Source: Leadership 100 The Executive Committee of Leadership 100, meeting on Friday, June 20, 2014, unanimously approved a special gift of $1 million toward the rebuilding of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, to be designated as the St. Nicholas National Shrine, according to George Tsandikos, Chairman. In addition, the Executive Committee approved an appeal to Leadership 100 members to make individual gifts. “Taken together our goal is to raise several millions of dollars in support of what is a truly historic undertaking by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that will commemorate the sacrifices of September 11 while making visible…

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Source: Charlotte Observer By LYNN BERRY Associated Press MOSCOW Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly expressed support Sunday for Ukraine’s declaration of a cease-fire in its battle against pro-Russian separatists and called on both sides to negotiate a compromise. Putin said such a compromise must guarantee the rights of the Russian-speaking residents of eastern Ukraine, who must feel like they are “an integral part” of their own country. Putin’s statement appeared to signal that he sees their future in Ukraine. Separatists in the eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions have declared independence and asked to join Russia. Moscow has rebuffed their appeals,…

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