Browsing: Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

I had originally intended that this column would further explore the importance of women in the early church but will offer it in the coming weeks.  What blew me off course was a recent column by a regular writer of the National Herald, Mr. Theodore Kalmoukos.  His column called attention and inveighed against the bishops and metropolitans for their failure to speak up and address serious matters which could lead to the eventual demise of the Greek Orthodox Church in America.  Kalmoukos called them “a scattered village with nine small archdioceses and nine little archbishops” who almost brought the church…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON, MA – Nothing substantial was accomplished at the Board of Trustees meeting of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC), convened on June 7 and chaired by Archbishop Demetrios of America. The archbishop declared that all is well and gave his full support to HCHC President Fr. Christopher Metropulos, though many Board members demand his resignation because they consider him responsible for the dire condition of the School regarding its finances, administration and reduction of enrollment. The National Herald revealed that Archbishop Demetrios had admitted in the Holy…

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Source: The National Herald Τo the Editor: We appreciate the attention Theodore Kalmoukos gives to the affairs of our Archdiocese, including Hellenic College-Holy Cross (HCHC) Seminary and other entities, apparently the only person who keeps abreast of the failings thereof. In response to “Hellenic College-Holy Cross at the Edge of the Cliff” (Jun. 7, online), this is disgraceful, just as the condition of our Archdiocese is disgraceful. What is the matter with our “leadership”? Is there no one who will take on the business of our institutions with honesty, humility, dedication, and positive creativity? I blame us, the laity, in large…

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Source: The National Herald Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON, MA –The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC) has established a four-Board Member Committee to examine the fate of its president, Fr. Christopher Metropulos. It was an Executive Committee meeting on May 16, the decision was made to establish the Committee to examine Metropulos. The Committee will evaluate his overall performance and by the end of June are scheduled to present their findings to His Eminence Archbishop Geron of America Demetrios, who has a fiduciary responsibility toward HCHC as Chairman…

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