Browsing: OCL

Source: Orthodox Christian Laity It’s time to prepare for and soon celebrate the Nativity and Theophany of Our Lord in our holy Orthodox Church.  Year-end is also a time to review the events and accomplishments of the past year. Regarding Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL), we finished the year in an upbeat mode!  I am excited to serve as president again in the coming year and am encouraged by the active support and involvement of the board members. It’s been an exciting year! Our 32nd Annual Meeting in Houston was historic, especially considering the thoughtful message delivered by His Eminence, Metropolitan…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Orthodox Christian Laity Minutes Spring Meeting March 29, 2019 St Peter Orthodox Mission, Bonita Springs, FL Board members convened at St Peter Antiochian Orthodox Mission located at 24850 Old 41 Road, Bonita Springs, FL.  The mission church was beautiful, and the meeting space was comfortable.  The community was welcoming.  In the evening more than 70 faithful people attended the Services of the Salutations and a Lenten dinner was served.  Many folks stayed to hear the presentation on the organization of the first meeting of the International Orthodox Theological Association (IOTA) presented by board member Dr. Gayle…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Houston, Texas is Thinking Globally and Acting Locally on Pan-Orthodox Unity SAVE THE DATE:  November 2, 2019 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral 3511 Yoakum Boulevard Houston, TX 77006 Message and Blessing from Archbishop Elpidophoros: “…we should look at the universe as our parish.” Speakers: His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver will speak, joined by Kenneth Kidd Focus North America, Fr. Stephen Powley of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry and Michael Spartalis. CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS

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Source: Lasting Memories President of Orthodox Christian Laity 2010-2013 Long Time Resident of Berkeley “Asleep in the Loving Care of the Lord” Susan Williams Haikalis, long-time resident of Berkeley, California, died on October 9th, 2019 at the age of 79. Born in Montclair, New Jersey to Richard Sugden Williams and Helen Fellows Williams. Beloved wife for close to 50 years of Peter Haikalis, PhD. Mother to Joanna (George) Graham of Berkeley and loving grandmother of Cecilia and William. Also survived by brother Richard Williams, PhD, and his wife Mary Ellen, as well as nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews and a…

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Source: The Epistle (Greek Orthodox Retired Clergy Association Newsletter) On September 14, the feast day of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross, our RCA Vice President, Father Steven J. Vlahos observed and celebrated the 55th anniversary of his ordination to the sacred priesthood at the Saint Anthony Church in Vineland, NJ. On this solemn and sacred occasion, Father Steven especially thanked his beloved Presvytera Chrysi, children Demetrios Troy, Dana Anastasia DiAntonio, grandson Joseph and all the members of the congregation. Father Steven especially remembered his parents, siblings and the multitude of people he faithfully served. He also…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Will YOU Play a Part? Have you considered including OCL in your long-term financial plans? Dear OCL Supporters and Friends, The Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) movement is the remnant of the optimism of the CEOYLA and GOYA movements which fostered and personified Orthodox Christian Unity.  These groups peaked in the mid-20th Century and then were marginalized by the hierarchy in the 1970’s.  OCL picked up where they left off and was formed in 1987.  OCL is keeping its eye on the prize: Orthodox Christian Unity as The Way Forward.  Otherwise, Orthodox Christianity in the USA will…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity Dear OCL Supporters and Friends, OCL is grateful to YOU, our supporters and friends.  Your generous annual donations have enabled us to promote our mission.    It is because of your belief in our OCL Mission: Orthodox Unity, transparency, accountability, and laity co- ministry, I want to personally invite you to become a member of OCL’s UNITY ADVOCATE Legacy Society.  UNITY ADVOCATE LEGACY SOCIETY is composed of generous and forward-thinking donors who will support our long-term success through a planned gift.  It is easy to do.  And you don’t have to be a millionaire to do it. …

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity August 14, 2019 Eve of the Dormition of the Theotokos His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America 8-10 East 79th Street New York, New York 10075-0106 Your Eminence: We greatly appreciate the privilege of meeting with you on July 31st, so early in your ministry to the Church and its people here in America. We all felt that this was a most collegial and constructive meeting. We appreciated your openness and desire for us to be candid with you in return. We thank you for your hospitality. We thank you for…

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We look forward to your attendance at the 32nd Annual Meeting of OCL with much anticipation!

The speakers for our November 2, 2019, “Pan-Orthodox” event are confirmed, and they are looking forward to making their presentations: Kenneth Kidd of Focus North America, Father Steven Powley of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries, and Mike Spartalis, CPA and Adjunct Professor of Ethics at The Bauer College of Business, University of Houston. We are thankful to Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver for giving his blessing to this event and adding his thoughts on “Pan-Orthodoxy” for our understanding. Click on the link for the schedule (

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity The meeting included from Left to right: George Matsoukas, OCL Board Members Argo Pyle (President), Peter J. Petkas and George Karcazes (Vice Presidents) and Dr William Tenet, Advisory Board Member. Overview of the work of Orthodox Christian Laity (OCL) presented to Archbishop Elpidophoros by Executive Director George Matsoukas on July 31, 2019, at a meeting with His Eminence at the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in NYC. OCL is a movement, a catalyst that advocates for the renewal of the Orthodox Christian Church in the USA.  It is composed of supporters from all jurisdictions throughout the USA.  We…

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