Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: Religion News Service While the Orthodox Church of Ukraine’s letter is addressed to the Ecumenical Patriarch, the letter speaks to concerns for the entire global Orthodox Christian community. By Marika Proctor (RNS) — Metropolitan Epiphanius, the head of the independent Orthodox Church of Ukraine, has issued a letter to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, “first among equals” of Orthodox Christian leaders, asking Bartholomew to call Patriarch Kirill, leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, a teacher of heresy for his theological backing of the Ukraine war and deprive Kirill of his right to lead the Russian church. The letter was approved at a meeting of…

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Source: Christian Network Europe (CNE) News The Orthodox Church of Ukraine has called on patriarch Bartholomew to condemn Moscow patriarch Kirill for supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. With the approval of the synod of his bishops, Metropolitan Epiphanius wrote a letter to the head of world orthodoxy, the patriarch of Constantinople, to condemn Kirill for heresy and schism. The letter, available to the Catholic German daily Die Tagespost, reads that the patriarch should “review and condemn at a pan-Orthodox level the activities of the Moscow Patriarch Kirill Gundyaev and the ethnophyletic and racist doctrine of the Russian world”. Epiphanius accuses…

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Source: The Wheel Winter/Spring 2022 The Romanian Orthodox Church in the Age of Autocracy Ionut Biliuta In 2007, when Metropolitan Daniel Ciobotea of Moldova and Bukovina became the sixth Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, the theological and priestly worlds were brimming with expectation. A respected scholar of systematic theology with degrees obtained in the West, an ecumenical theologian, and a diplomat of the Church, he was the obvious choice for succeeding the old and beleaguered Patriarch Teoctist Arăpașu. Being the spiritual leader of one of the most significant Orthodox churches was no easy task in post-communist Romania. The Patriarchate…

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A Pastoral Exhortation by V. Rev. Timothy Cremeens, PhD So many Orthodox Christians believe that celebrating the Feast of Pentecost is simply the observance of a biblical/historical event that took place some 2,000+ years ago in Jerusalem. They read about in Acts chapter 2, the sound of the wind, the flames of fire on the heads of the 120 Disciples gathered together in the Upper Room, and who can forget the speaking in tongues, which enabled the 120 to speak in languages they had never learned, the “mighty works of God.” Unfortunately, so many Christians focus on the wind, fire…

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Source: The National Herald By. Rev. Dr. Theodore Stylianopoulos – Special to The National Herald A star musician? An acclaimed author? A famous inventor? Men and women have always pursued superb achievements and high honors. But what is truly the loftiest goal and the highest privilege of all? In the light of our Christian faith, the answer regarding the highest privilege is this: to be in communion with God – to know God as a loving Father, to pray to Him and live in His presence, to be assured that you are His precious child among His holy people on…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative The Orthodox Christian Leadership Initiative is pleased to announce the 6th annual Orthodox Advanced Leadership Conference.  This year’s conference theme is Money – The Gospel Changes Everything. Parish leaders and emerging leaders among the clergy and laity who serve the local parish, diocese, or Orthodox nonprofits are encouraged to attend.  The conference is hybrid, allowing up to 100 people to attend at St. Vladimir’s Seminary in Crestwood, NY, September 16-18, 2022, as well as unlimited online participation. Register at At this conference, we plan to have honest and candid discussions about money and stewardship,…

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Source: Orthodox Times At a special ceremony this morning Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew was proclaimed an honorary citizen of the municipality of Thermaikos at the municipal premises of Neoi Epivates. Bartholomew made an extensive reference to St. Paraskevi Epivatini, the ancestor of the current inhabitants of Neoi Epivates – whose skeleton is now in Iasi of Romania and is venerated with devotion by thousands of believers -, stressing that it had been granted by the Ecumenical Patriarch Parthenios I in 1641 through the mediation of a ruler of Danubian Principalities, because he had benefited the Patriarchate. And on the occasion of…

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Source: Christianity Today Possible manufacture of holy oil a signal of declaration of independence from Moscow patriarchate, while still opposing rival breakaway church. by JAYSON CASPER After 93 days of war, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) has definitively broken with Russia—maybe. In a council decision taken May 27, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC)–affiliated body declared its “full self-sufficiency and independence,” condemning the three-month conflict as “a violation of God’s commandment: Thou shalt not kill!” Such a condemnation was not new. The day the invasion began, UOC-MP Metropolitan Onufriy called it a “repetition of the sin of Cain.” But in dry ecclesial language,…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] Online Registration is now open for the 2022 Parish Development Forum, to be held from 10:00 AM EDT to 5:15 PM on Friday June 17.  The Forum is co-sponsored by the Orthodox Church in America’s Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania, the Diocese of the Midwest and the Bulgarian Diocese. “While we hope to return to in-person Forums in coming years, it seems most effective to once again offer the Parish Development Forum as a one-day online session,” said Joseph Kormos, Forum co-chairperson and Parish Development Ministry Leader for the Archdiocese of Western Pennsylvania. “Having the Forum online will also help parishes redirect their travel…

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Source: Peter Anderson, Seattle USA The Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) met on May 12.  The members of the Holy Synod are identified at   Among the permanent members are Metropolitan Lazar of Simferopol and Crimea and Metropolitan Hilarion of Donetsk and Mariupol. The last meeting of the Synod was on February 28, a few days after the invasion.  The results of the meeting on May 12 are summarized by the UOC-MP at  A number of subjects were discussed at the meeting.   The most important subject was the issuance of a statement which can…

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Source: Borkena Security forces in the Silte zone reportedly failed to stop the attacks on churches and the killings of Christians A day after the tragic incident in Gondar where a reportedly escalated clash between two individuals from Islamic faith and Orthodox Church followers claimed 14 lives, according to the government, at least three churches were blazed with fire. According to EOTV church TV, the perpetrators were what it called radicals [apparently from Islamic faith]. They broke into Rufael Church in Worabe , and vandalised it before they set it on fire.  They also burned St. Gabriel and two other churches. Apart…

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Source: Church Times by JONATHAN LUXMOORE Ukrainian Orthodox head puts pressure on Russian Church THE Primate of Ukraine’s independent Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Epiphany (Dumenko), has called for the removal of the Russian Orthodox presence in his country. His hardened stance was prompted by the refusal of President Putin to agree a truce for the celebration of Easter, and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow charge to the Russian people to make their country “invincible”. “The Ukrainian state is fighting to protect its territorial integrity and defending its information space,” Metropolitan Epiphany said. “This is why we must also talk about protecting Ukraine’s Orthodox faithful from Russian influence. . . As long…

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