Browsing: Orthodox Church

Source: Catholic News Service BY SEAN GALLAGHER Catholic News Service INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) — The U.S. archbishop who is co-chair of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation and an archdeacon who helps lead Orthodox ecumenical efforts in the United States watched with interest as Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill met in Cuba Feb. 12. Both of them — Catholic Archbishop Joseph W. Tobin of Indianapolis and Orthodox Archdeacon John Chryssavgis — saw significance in the historic Havana meeting of pope and patriarch. They shared their observations with The Criterion, the newspaper of the Indianapolis Archdiocese. Archdeacon Chryssavgis, an Australian-born…

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Source: OCP Media Network Foma – February 16, 2016 Famous actor Tom Hanks visited the Orthodox church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Antarctica at the Russian polar station “Bellingshausen” on Waterloo Island, Deacon Maxim Gerb, a cleric of the church in Antarctica, told the journal Foma. “Many interesting people visit our church, including Tom Hanks who was recently sailing past our island on a yacht. He is a very open and friendly person. After he lit some candles I suggested to him to climb up to the bell tower, so I could attest that Forrest Gump was in Antarctica and can now…

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Source: Ancient Faith Radio February 2, 2016 Length: 27:26 At the dinner following the 33rd Annual Schmemann Lecture at St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary, Dr. Charles Ajalat, the former chancellor for the Antiochian Archdiocese and the co-founder of International Orthodox Christian Charities, presented a plan for a governing structure of the world wide Orthodox Church. Also see transcript below. Earlier in the evening, Dr. Ajalat received an honorary doctorate in Canon Law. Here he is with his January 31, 2016, proposal. CLICK HERE to listen to the presentation. Transcript Ownership by All, Control by None Your Beatitude, Your Graces, reverend clergy,…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity 2016 is a historic year for Orthodox Christianity throughout the world.  After over 1,200 years since the Seventh Ecumenical Council was held in Nicea (now part of Turkey) in 787, the Orthodox Church has scheduled the Holy and Great Council.  The meeting, which has been in the planning stages for more than fifty years, will be held from June 16-27, 2016 in Crete at the Orthodox Academy of Crete. This event will provide the opportunity for the hierarchs and representatives of all of the autocephalous churches to approve the establishment of a unified Orthodox Church in…

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Source: Associates of Colonel Philip Ludwell III Philip Ludwell III is the first known convert to Eastern Orthodox Christianity in the Americas. He was a prominent figure in pre-revolutionary Virginia and a relative by blood or marriage of many great early figures in American history from George Washington to Robert E. Lee. The scion of one of the largest landholding and politically prominent families in early Virginia, he was born at Green Spring near Williamsburg on December 28, 1716. One year after his marriage to Frances Grymes in the summer of 1737, the young Ludwell travelled from Williamsburg to London, England.…

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Source: First Things by John Chryssavgis Already there is much talk about the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church. Between now and June 19, 2016, when the council officially opens on the island of Crete, there will be many rumors and much spin. Some will be justified; like other patriarchal institutions, Orthodox Churches are not normally known for their transparency. However, other chatter will be less than helpful. What follow are some brief clarifications on basic questions surrounding the council. Is the Great Council an Ecumenical Council? For Orthodox Christians, there hasn’t been an Ecumenical Council since 787,…

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Source: Russian Orthodox Church – Department for External Church Relations The forthcoming Pan-Orthodox Council is to consider a draft document on Relations of the Orthodox Church with the Rest of the Christian World adopted by the 5th Pan-Orthodox Pre-Council Conference on October 10-17, 2015, in Chambesy. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia reported this to the Bishops’ Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has opened in Moscow. In his report about the preparation of the Pan-Orthodox Council, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church noted that this document was drafted on the basis of two texts…

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Source: by ANDREW ESTOCIN The new year is unfolding and many Orthodox parishes in America will be participating in a seasonal ritual known as the parish assembly. Parish assemblies are part of the process in American Orthodox parishes where the community evaluates its health and decides on matters that are the responsibility of the laity. These assemblies are a normal part of the checks and balances of Orthodox life in America. And like every other part of our Life in Christ, parish assemblies are vulnerable to human weakness. Anger, fear, envy and apathy are all emotions people can experience…

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Source: Vatican Radio (Vatican Radio) Leaders of the Orthodox Church have concluded a meeting in Geneva, Switzerland in preparation for a historic pan-Orthodox Council scheduled to take place later in the year. Listen to this report by Philippa Hitchen:  The meeting, known as a synaxis, took place from January 21st to 28th and was chaired by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, spiritual leader of the Orthodox world. It brought together eleven primates of the autonomous Orthodox churches, with two others – Patriarch John X of Antioch and Metropolitan Sawa of Poland – unable to attend for health reasons and…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Laity A PRAYER FOR ORTHODOX UNITY (OCL Pamphlet on Unity and Self Governance, 2000) O All Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we your faithful children beseech you to forgive us the sin of divisiveness, which is rooted in our hearts, our dioceses and land. Implant in our lives the holy vine of unity which only you can bestow on those who have come together in your name. Enlighten us with your grace, so that we may come to the knowledge of your truth and move our hearts to respond with trust and total obedience to…

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Source: MYSTAGOGY The Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church will meet in June this year, according to the Athens News Agency-Macedonian Press Agency (ANA-MPA). A decision was made as the Primates are gathered in a Synaxis at the Orthodox Center of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambesy, Geneva, whose work is done under the presidency of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew. Of course, for the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church to meet in June, during the period of Pentecost (06/19/2016), the Primates in Geneva must definitely choose the themes and regulations. The decision to convene the Holy and…

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Source: Posted by Andrew Estocin Pentecost 2016 will mark the opening of the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox Church. It has been over 1,000 years since the Eastern Orthodox Church has held a Great and Holy Council. The world has certainly changed in the past millennium. Electricity, flight and the Western Hemisphere are all examples of things that were unknown to the participants in the last Council. Needless to say there is some catching up to do! Despite all of these changes, the question today is a simple one. Is the Church truly what it says it…

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