Browsing: Terrorism

Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND – A striking and pointed message written on one of the mass killer of Chirstchurch’s weapon, has left many with even more questions than they might already have following the senseless and horrific terrorist attack that left 49 people dead and scores more injured. In particular, Brenton Tarrant’s assault weapon had written in white, “Tourkofagos,” meaning “Turk Eater” in English, near the barrel of one of the guns he used to sow death in a peaceful New Zealand suburb. Although the perpetrator of the atrocities is Australian and from TNH’s…

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Source: News Chief Christians who fled their homeland to find safety back President Donald Trump’s travel ban. By Lane DeGregory Tampa Bay Times TARPON SPRINGS – The special service wouldn’t start for an hour. But by 5 p.m. Thursday, people were pouring into the church. Men in dark suits, hoisting toddlers on their hips. Women in high heels, pulling lace veils over their dark hair. They came from Miami, Orlando and Jacksonville, to Florida’s largest Syrian Orthodox church. They came to see the church patriarch, to take communion with him, to get his blessing and hear his news. The worshipers…

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Source: Egyptian Streets A state funeral was organized and held in Cairo’s Nasr City for the 24 people killed in the deadly Cairo Cathedral terror attack on Sunday. The state funeral, which was preceded by a funeral service conducted by Coptic Pope Tawadros II at the Church of Virgin Mary, was attended by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, Pope Tawadros II, and a large number of top Egyptian government and religious officials. The event, which was organized by the Egyptian Armed Forces and was held amid tight security, took place at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Nasr City.…

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Source: (Vatican Radio)  The Orthodox Metropolitan of Belgium, Athenagoras (Ecumenical Patriarchate) has called for all religious leaders of Belgium to unite their voices and forces against terrorism. Commenting on the attacks of Tuesday morning in Brussels, Athenagoras, President of the Orthodox Episcopal Assembly of Belgium, appealed to every person of good will around the world, Christians and non, to become a shield against terrorism as well as messengers of peace. “Terrorists today have not struck Brussels. Terrorists today struck throughout Europe. Terrorists today struck once again the whole world” he underlined in his comment. “We call upon the whole…

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Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS PARIS, FRANCE – Metropolitan Emmanuel of France in a telephone interview with The National Herald spoke extensively about the November 14 terrorist attacks in Paris and said that to the best of his knowledge there were no Greek-Orthodox among the victims. He is constant communication with the French authorities, especially with the Ministry of Interior. Metropolitan Emmanuel is among the most prominent Orthodox hierarchs and presides over many interreligious dialogues and conferences aiming to the better understanding among the monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He said the “terrorist attacks took place…

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Source: Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA Assembly of Orthodox Bishops Offers Prayers for the People of France Saturday, November 14, 2015 With heavy hearts, the members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops offer their prayers for the people of France who mourn the tragic loss of life that resulted from last night’s terrorist attacks in Paris. We convey our deep condolences to those who have lost loved ones, and we beseech the Lord Jesus Christ to grant a speedy recovery to those injured and eternal repose to those who have fallen asleep. Our thoughts and prayers…

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Source: Christianity Today The American church has a key role in rescuing, restoring, and returning Christians and other religious minorities who have fled ISIS. by Chris Seiple ‘Tell them that we Christians exist. We are the bridge between East and West,” said Felomain Nassar-Batshone, program manager, at International Orthodox Christian Charities, Amman, Jordan. The story never changes. Whenever ISIS terrorists approach an Iraqi or Syrian village, Christians are given a fateful choice: They can stay and pay a tax to ISIS. They can convert to Islam. They can be martyred as Christians. Or, they flee. We Americans would do well to…

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Source: Russian Orthodox Church Department for External Church Relations (DECR) On May 2, 2015, Metropolitan Hilarion as presenter of the Church and the World TV program had as his guest the chairman of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society Sergey Stepashin. Metropolitan Hilarion: Good afternoon, dear brothers and sisters. Christ is Risen! In these Paschal days, the mental eyes of many Orthodox faithful are directed to the Holy Land, the places where our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ lived on earth. Today we will speak about the Holy Land, the Middle East and Palestine with the chairman of the Imperial Orthodox…

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Source: La Prensa Cairo, Apr 6 (EFE).- At least four people, including one policeman, were wounded in an armed attack on a church in the northern Egyptian coastal city of Alexandria on Sunday, Palm Sunday in the Egyptian Coptic Orthodox church, security sources told Efe on Monday. The unidentified gunmen opened fire on Sunday night on the Archangel Raphael Church in al-Agami district, around 20 kilometers (13 miles) west of Alexandria, and then fled the scene. Egyptian forces cordoned the area and launched an operation to capture the perpetrators. Another attack took place in Cairo on Sunday, when a policeman…

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Source: International Orthodox Christian Charities Baltimore, MD (IOCC) — Fleeing for their lives, more than 2,400 exhausted and traumatized Christians from northeastern Syria sought refuge in the towns of Hasakah and Qamishli after their small communities were terrorized this week. The attackers targeted a stretch of villages along the southern bank of the Khabour River, where they burned homes and churches, murdered a fleeing 16-year-old boy, and abducted 150 Assyrian Christian men, women and children from their homes. For those who managed to escape the attack and seek shelter in Hasakah, International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC), with its church partner,…

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Source: Get Religion by Terry Mattingly What can be said about the images that are coming out of Libya, in that hellish Islamic State video showing the beheading of 21 Coptic Christians – explicitly for their faith and their connection to “crusaders”? This is a story with so much religious imagery and language in it that there is no way for journalists to avoid the ghosts. Religion News Service, and some other news outlets, are using a very important quote from Pope Francis: “The blood of our Christian brothers is a witness that cries out,” Francis said in off-the-cuff remarks…

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