Source: Estiator Magazine The speech given by businessman Efstathios Valiotis at the commencement ceremony of Hellenic College / Holy Cross School of Theology in Boston, where he was awarded an honorary doctorate, caused a great deal of commotion and elicited interesting comments within the ecclesiastical circles and the Greek-American Community. He is the first well-known Greek-American with close ties to our community and the Church, and with seven years of theological studies, who is strongly in favor of an Autocephalous Orthodox Church in America. This view has long been supported by this magazine and by the 1998 resolution of the…
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Source: The National Herald By Dan Georgakas Financial and academic problems are again plaguing Hellenic College Holy Cross School of Theology (HCHC). The crisis has even called into question the desirability of their continued existence. Reviewing the history of the institution provides some guidance on what changes may be desirable. The first attempt to create a Greek Orthodox school of theology in America came in 1921 following a visit by the Ecumenical Patriarch Meletios Metaxakis. Understanding the need for English-speaking and American-born priests, he founded the Seminary of St. Athanasios in Astoria, New York. The school lasted only two years,…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON, MA – There is only one essential change in the program of the upcoming 44th Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, to be held at Copley Marriott in Boston, MA, July 1-5. On July 2, after Archbishop Demetrios’ keynote address, the theme being “All Things Are Possible to the One Who Believes in Christ” (Mark 9:23), the delegates will not form the usual small groups to discuss and analyze the archbishop’s speech, as is usually the case. Instead, there will be a three-hour open forum (2-5PM) to discuss…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON, MA – Nothing substantial was accomplished at the Board of Trustees meeting of Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (HCHC), convened on June 7 and chaired by Archbishop Demetrios of America. The archbishop declared that all is well and gave his full support to HCHC President Fr. Christopher Metropulos, though many Board members demand his resignation because they consider him responsible for the dire condition of the School regarding its finances, administration and reduction of enrollment. The National Herald revealed that Archbishop Demetrios had admitted in the Holy…
Source: The National Herald To the Editor: Thank you for a good editorial “The Demetrios Doctrine: ‘Let it Burn,’” (Jun. 9). Most important is the solution: Retire bishops at 75 years old like the Roman Catholic Church does. The Greek Orthodox cannot tolerate stagnation. Where are the metropolitans’ performance reports? Fr. Ephraim of Mount Athos and St. Anthony’s Monastery Florence, Arizona built seven Churches on 300 acres, rendering it the second-largest tourist attraction in Arizona, along with 20-plus monasteries in America. The late Metropolitan Anthony built 25 Churches in 25 years and developed the St. Nicholas Ranch Retreat Center with…
Source: The National Herald Τo the Editor: We appreciate the attention Theodore Kalmoukos gives to the affairs of our Archdiocese, including Hellenic College-Holy Cross (HCHC) Seminary and other entities, apparently the only person who keeps abreast of the failings thereof. In response to “Hellenic College-Holy Cross at the Edge of the Cliff” (Jun. 7, online), this is disgraceful, just as the condition of our Archdiocese is disgraceful. What is the matter with our “leadership”? Is there no one who will take on the business of our institutions with honesty, humility, dedication, and positive creativity? I blame us, the laity, in large…
Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff NEW YORK – Prominent Greek-American businessman and great benefactor of the Greek Orthodox Church in America, Mr. John A. Catsimatidis, in an open letter calls on His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America to resign because he has led the Church to a dire condition. Catsimatidis wrote that “The financial mismanagement that has occurred is inexcusable. Saint Nicholas at Ground Zero should be our crowning jewel; instead we are a national embarrassment. The Archdiocese has misused funds, the priests’ pensions, and God knows what else! The Seminary is in danger of closing, but the…
Source: The National Herald By Christopher Tripoulas The crisis in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which has become manifest over the past year, appears to have reached a climax. With Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew reportedly asking Archbishop Demetrios to submit his resignation, the Greek-American community and Hellenism worldwide – considering the importance of this eparchy – awaits to see how the final act of this drama will play out and what the future will hold. After the archbishop seemingly refused the patriarch’s request, stating that he wanted to stay on and see the Archdiocese through the financial crisis, the Patriarchate…
Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff The National Herald’s Publisher-Editor, Antonis H. Diamataris, writes in Kathimerini, the leading newspaper of Greece, about the crisis at the Archdiocese of America. Mr. Diamataris makes the point for a new leadership at our church. Here is the article: In the history-filled chambers of the Holy Synod of the Phanar, in mid morning, last week, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I asked Archbishop Demetrios of America to submit his resignation. Iakovos, a generation ago, had obeyed. Demetrios refused. “I still have a lot of work to do”, he responded. It was an astonishingly rebellious act.…
Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON, MA – The parish council of the historic Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Lowell, MA decided to cut its annual contribution to the Archdiocese in half, from $48,000 to $24,000. Only two members abstained from the unanimous vote. Also, the issue of $650 per month for the priest’s pension plan was discussed. Holy Trinity is the only parish in New England that sustains a Greek Day School, and has for the past 108 years. But now the school has only 106 students enrolled, which includes Kindergarten, and less than 25 students…
Source: The National Herald By Antonis H. Diamataris If there was ever any doubt that the ecclesiastical leadership we have is at this point unworthy of the Greek community, it was confirmed this past week in a tragic way. He put his selfishness and his interest above the interest of his flock and the people who chose him to lead our church almost 20 years ago. Unfortunately – and we write this with regret – that is what Archbishop Demetrios has done at least since The National Herald broke the story that the Archdiocese was bankrupt. And he set precedent…
Source: Orthodox Christian Laity I served on my Parish Council for more than twenty years; three as President. I also represented my Parish as a lay delegate to ten Clergy-Laity Congresses. I no longer serve on our Parish Council. Although I was removed from a volunteer position on our Stewardship Committee for sending an entirely truthful and accurate “Letter to the Editor” of The National Herald, I was still asked to come back and advise our Parish Delegates about what they should say and do at the Boston Congress as delegates to the Congress. In summary, the following was my…