Source: World Bulletin Visit to strengthen ties between the churches of the two countries. Ethiopia and Egypt are in the middle of diplomatic rapprochement following tension over the building of a multi-billion dollar hydroelectric project Addis Ababa is building on the Nile. Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Abune Mathias is set to leave for Cairo on Saturday on a visit to Egypt. “The visit will further strengthen existing relation between the churches of the two countries and enhance people-to-people ties,” Ethiopian ambassador to Egypt Mohamoud Dirir told The Anadolu Agency by phone. “The two churches have an ancient history and…
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Orthodox News Top Stories
Source: The Jerusalem Post By ARIEL BEN SOLOMON Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi became the first president to attend mass at a church in Cairo, on the Coptic Christmas Eve. The short visit on Tuesday night came after masked men shot and killed two Egyptian policemen earlier in the day as they stood guard at a Coptic Christian church in Minya, 220 km. south of Cairo. “It was necessary for me to come here to wish you a Merry Christmas, and I hope I haven’t disturbed your prayers. Throughout the years, Egypt taught the world civilization and humanity, and the…
Source: Seeds of Hope Spiritual/Clergy abuse occurs when a person in authority fosters a sense of guilt in people in order to manipulate or control them. If a person in ecclesiastical authority has a false sense of himself, his poor self-esteem gets expressed through a distorted understanding of his role and position. Jesus warned us about this. We read in Matthew 20:25-26 these words: But Jesus called them to Himself and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among…
Source: The Daily Beast He defied the atheism of communism and the empty religious practices of Putinism. With Father Gleb Yakunin’s death on Christmas, Russia has lost a liberal voice of conscience. On Christmas Day, the world lost an extraordinary man of faith who once went to prison for his Christian beliefs under an atheist state and later challenged both his church and the repressive entanglement of church and state under a regime that claims to celebrate religious values. When the Russian dissident and priest Father Gleb Yakunin died, outside the small circle of the liberal opposition and its sympathizers,…
Source: Orthodox Christian Network By Andrew Estocin in The Sounding Orthodox Christians around the world were recently watching as Pope Francis visited The Ecumenical Patriarchate for the Feast of St. Andrew on November 30, 2014. The same Pope of Rome who washed the feet of an Orthodox Christian in 2013 stood out again for his humility by asking Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his blessing. The resulting photo is a loving reminder of the true meaning of leadership and the historical relationship between the Christian East and West. While many serious issues continue to separate both Churches, Orthodox Christians can learn…
Source: Orthodox Church in America SYOSSET, NY [OCA] The Orthodox Church in America, in partnership with the Florida-based Orthodox Christian Mission Center, will be hosting a mission teaching team to San Esteban and Pisaflores in the OCA Diocese of Mexico June 20-27, 2015. “Both Pisaflores and San Esteban are villages of native Aztec Orthodox Christians nine hours northwest of Mexico City,” said Archpriest Ted Pisarchuk. “In both villages, the homes are of simple concrete block construction with corrugated metal roofs and do not have running water or indoor bathroom facilities. Horses and burros are main forms of transportation. The people…
Source: Orthodox Christian Network By Seraphim Danckaert in The Sounding David Adams is an Australian explorer and documentarian who travels the world. In a series called “Journeys to the Ends of the Earth” he spends one episode in Ethiopia, investigating its ancient Christian culture and liturgical practices. In the segment embedded above, he has made his way to Lalibela, one of Ethiopia’s most distinctive holy sites, during the celebration of Christmas. [subscribe2]
Source: Orthodox Church in America HALKI, TURKEY [OCA/SVOTS Communications] At invitation of His All Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, a delegation representing Saint Vladimir’s Seminary visited the historic Holy Theological School of Halki here December 16-19, 2014. In his capacity as President of Saint Vladimir’s Seminary, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon headed the delegation, which included Archpriest Dr. John Behr, Dean; Archpriest Dr. John Jillions, Seminary Trustee, member of the Doctor of Ministry faculty, and OCA Chancellor; and Archpriest Dr. Alexander Rentel, Assistant Professor of Canon Law, Byzantine Studies and Practical Theology. Established in 1844, the Theological School of Halki educated generations…
Source: Basilica News Agency Today, 17 December 2014, 12.00 hours, the bells were rung in all the cathedrals, churches and monasteries as sign of gratitude and solemn prayers were said for the first revolutionary heroes who sacrificed themselves 25 years ago at Timisoara for the freedom, faith and dignity of the Romanian people oppressed by the communist regime. When we pray for our freedom we think of those who sacrificed themselves for the freedom and dignity of the Romanian people Today, at the end of the Te Deum celebrated in the Patriarchal Cathedral of Bucharest on the occasion of the…
Source: American Thinker By Michael Curtis In the British political system members of the royal family are not supposed to utter political or controversial remarks on political issues. It was therefore very meaningful that on November 4, 2014 British Prince Charles in a recorded video broadcast by the BBC, spoke truth to the people. Charles, not assumed to be a Zionist as detractors might imagine, sadly remarked, “It is an indescribable tragedy that Christianity is now under such threat in the Middle East, an area where Christians have lived for 2000 years.” Charles was commenting on the just published report,…
Source: Haaretz Nazareth is dreaming of a bright Christmas, with hotels and restaurants booked up ahead of the big day on December 25. Locals are thankful that most Israelis have short memories. By Judy Maltz NAZARETH – Behind the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, workers are putting the finishing touches on the man-made Christmas tree that will be lit up on Wednesday evening, at an official ceremony to mark the start of the holiday season. Standing 26-meters tall, this metal-based structure is so massive it will have to be dragged down to the main plaza below in three separate…