Source: The Bristol Bay Times & The Dutch Harbor Fisherman by Jim Paulin A man went on a rampage last weekend in Unalaska, allegedly vandalizing a church and biting a police officer after stealing a truck. Frustrated at being stuck at the Unalaska airport for days trying to fly out standby, a man stole a pickup truck parked in the unloading zone, drove across town and broke into and vandalized the historic Russian Orthodox Church, according to local police. Ishmael Guerrero, 33, of Fresno, California, was arrested Sunday at the Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church, and arraigned in court the next day…
Browsing: Orthodox News
Source: Acton Institute by Andrew P. Morriss by Fr. Michael Butler It is important to clarify the Church’s teaching on asceticism because many voices in the environmental movement encourage a kind of ascetical lifestyle in the name of “ethical consumption.” Orthodox writers on the environment are not immune to the temptation of putting the ascetical tradition of the Church in the service of another agenda. For example, the conclusion of the Inter-Orthodox Conference on Environmental Protection, held in Crete in 1991, states: “Humanity needs a simpler way of life, a renewed asceticism, for the sake of creation.” Many Orthodox writers call on…
The OCL Board will meet at: Hilton Akron Fairlawn, 3180 West Market St., Akron, Ohio 44333, Phone: 330-867-5000. Akron is our host city, because the Pan Orthodox Young Adult Festival will take place there, and our board wants to support this important young adult initiative. This business meeting will discuss various topics including: board development, finance, mission of OCL, what we know about preparations for the Great and Holy Council and other topics. [subscribe2]
Source: The National Herald BY CONSTANTINE S. SIRIGOS NEW YORK – The World Trade Center site will remain a hive of construction activity for years to come, but visitors on Saturday, April 26 saw that much of the master plan for Ground Zero is complete. The iconic Freedom Tower – officially known as One World Trade Center – looks finished from many angles and tourists and New Yorkers alike cannot wait for its grand opening, if not this year, then in 2015. A number of office towers are open and the 9/11 memorial and museum receive thousands of guests daily.…
Is Orthodox Christian Unity important to you? Does this Internet Ministry have value for you? Please sign the Unity Petition so we can let our bishops know that we are behind their work. Please make a donation via PayPal or by check to maintain this Internet Service. Thank you for your consideration. [subscribe2]
Source: St Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary here is now accepting applications from priests, chaplains, and other professionals in ministry who want to earn an accredited Doctor of Ministry [D.Min] degree through a new hybrid program that combines on-line coursework with on-campus intensive training. In the coming months the seminary administration will begin reviewing applications to admit 15 students into the first cohort of the new program, set to commence with the fall semester 2014. There also will be an on-campus orientation this summer. The Association for Theological School [ATS] approved the hybrid D.Min. program in…
Source: Orthodox Women This Holy week I attended Holy Protection Russian Orthodox church for the rite of the washing of the feet. In the church were many, many children..from 0-12 attending the service. A twelve year old solemnly and perfectly read the prayers after communion A three year old danced and spun in the beam of sunlight coming through the dome windows as she tried to embrace it A younger child stared in awe at the icons and demanded to be brought to each one on the walls to reverence. The church was without talkativeness, cell phones or plastic wrappers…
Source: Greek Orthodox Church – Taybeh, Palestine By Maria C. Khoury, Ed.D. We have just celebrated the Miracle of the Holy Fire in Taybeh in a most magnificent way at the outskirts of our village approximately 5:30 pm local time on this Great and Holy Saturday while waiting all afternoon when this great miracle occurred once again in Jerusalem. “O Gladsome Light, of the Holy glory of the Immortal Father, heavenly Holy, blessed Jesus Christ!” (Holy Saturday Morning Prayers) The local priests, Fr. Daoud, Fr. Jack and Fr. Aziz, of all three churches and Fr. Peter who came from Jerusalem…
Source: Jerusalem, April 19, 2014 – The Holy Fire has descended on Holy Saturday in the Church of the Lord’s Sepulcher in Jerusalem. His Holiness Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem has passed on the Holy flame to the tens of thousands of pilgrims gathered in the church. Among them were representatives of the St. Andrew the First-Called foundation, who will bring the Holy Fire from Jerusalem to Moscow by airplane, reports RIA Novosti. The time it takes for the Holy Fire to descend from the moment the Patriarch enters the Holy Sepulcher can vary from year to year. In…
Source: Illinois News Network online Religious leaders from the Orthodox Christian Churches will come together Tuesday night April 22 to commemorate the discovery of the Icon of the Virgin Mary that began tearing/weeping 20 years ago. Parishioners at St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, 1220 S. 60th Court in Cicero, noticed that an Icon of the Virgin Mary began tearing, first with one tear and later by the end of the night with four separate tears. The tears were dabbed in with cotton and mixed with oil which was distributed to more than 1,000 Christian Churches around the world, and 100,000…
Source: LGBTQ Nation DAN LITTAUER | Special to LGBTQ Nation ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — In his Easter message this week, Patriarch Abune Mathias, head of Ethiopia’s Orthodox Church, vowed to fight homosexuality, saying it will bring destruction to the world. Mathias warned that the “sin that burnt Sodom and Gomorrah in Ethiopia not only erodes the holiness that God has bestowed upon Ethiopians, but it will bring destruction and damage, rather than development and growth. “To prevent this I call upon all Ethiopians to fight this grand sin of Sodom persistently,” he added. “I would like to confirm to all…