Browsing: Orthodox News

Source: Orthodox Christian Studies Center at Fordham University BY PATRICK VEREL Fordham’s Orthodox Christian Studies Center has secured two grants totaling $610,000 that will be used to fund a multiyear research project devoted toward the issue of human rights. One grant, for $360,000, comes from the Henry Luce Foundation, while the other, for $250,000, comes from Leadership 100. The center received the Leadership 100 grant in February, and the Luce grant in March. The Center will use the grants to fund an interdisciplinary, international research initiative on Orthodox Christianity’s complex, even turbulent, engagement with human rights discourse. Center co-director George Demacopoulos, Ph.D., professor of theology and the Father…

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Source: The National Herald By Antonis H. Diamataris The Panagia’s Garden, Mount Athos, is one of the unique places in the world. It is not surprising that Geoffrey Pyatt, the American Ambassador to Greece, visited, and like so many others before him – as certainly many others after him will be – was excited. Also not surprisingly, the ambassador tweeted: “Mt. Athos is a truly spiritual place, and I profoundly thank Abbot Ephraim for introducing me to the rich history of Vatopedi on my first stop here. I was also impressed by the Monastery’s innovative research and ideas on its organic…

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Source: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Over 275 campers and staff members from the 2017 Ionian Village program came together over the weekend of April 13-15 in Nashville, Tennessee for the Annual Summer Camp Reunion. The two-day reunion was held under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America and with the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit. Campers and staff had the opportunity to reunite and rekindle friendships, and their connection to Jesus Christ. The reunion was filled with joy and laughter as everyone participated in various activities reminiscent of camp including Arts and Crafts, Music and Greek…

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Source: Kathimerini Cyprus Elena Frantzi’s foster dad priest defrocked by Holy Synod after public outcry following her death The Holy Synod [of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus] decided unanimously on Wednesday to defrock the priest who was convicted in 2015 for sexually assaulting Elena Frantzi, the 29-year-old woman whose recent death shocked the public and left church and state scramble for answers. The decision was taken unanimously by the 18 members of the Holy Synod, after the case against the priest of Tamasos and Orinis was brought back by the bishop of that diocese. The priest served 18 months in…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America [YONKERS, NY]  On Thursday, April 19, 2018, Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary[SVOTS] will host the first of three webinars featuring recent Doctor of Ministry graduates, who will present their final projects. “Our most recent graduates want to share the fruits of the D.Min. program,” said Subdeacon Alexander (Pradeep) Hatcher, Director of Institutional and Advancement Communications.  “These webinars – free and open to the public – are meant to give people a taste of what the D.Min. program offers and what it can do for your ministry.” While registration to participate in one or all of…

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Source: Hello Magazine OCTOBER 04, 2016 –  GEMMA STRONG Prince Charles has paid a poignant first visit to the grave of his paternal grandmother, Princess Alice of Greece. The royal discreetly travelled to the crypt of Prince Philip’s mother in Jerusalem on Friday after attending the funeral of former Israeli president Shimon Peres. While there he laid flowers that he had picked himself from his Scottish retreat Birkhall at her final resting place. Princess Alice is buried at the beautiful Church of St Mary Magdalene, above the Garden of Gethsemane, on the Mount of Olives. CLICK TO VIEW GALLERY Prince Charles paid a…

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Source: The National Herald By TNH Staff CHICAGO, IL – His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago sent out his Pascha Encyclical for 2018, his first as the new metropolitan. The full text follows. Nathanael By the grace of God, Metropolitan of the Holy Metropolis of Chicago Pascha 2018 To the Reverend Clergy, Monastic Communities, and blessed people of the Holy Metropolis of Chicago. Beloved fathersand brethren, Beloved children in the Lord of the Metropolis of Chicago, During this joyous and triumphant season of the Resurrection of Christ, as I extend to all of you my festal and paternal embrace, I…

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Source: Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orphanage The State of Baja California (Mexico) wants to build a new four-lane highway passing directly through the St. Innocent Orthodox Orphanage facility, expropriating at least half of the property by eminent domain.  Not only will this severely limit the outreach of both the orphanage and Project Mexico’s homebuilding ministry, it will destroy a large part of the capital improvements and remove key elements of both programs that have helped to make them so successful. The orphanage and homebuilding operation are based on a 16-acre property developed specifically to meet their unique needs.  The…

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Source: The National Herald By Theodoros Kalmoukos BOSTON – On Friday March 30, a Grand Jury was formed to investigate the subject of the finances of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and National Shrine at the World Trade Center. The New York State Attorney General will also undertake an investigation of the Archdiocese finances. The aforementioned Authorities have already informed the Archdiocese and have subpoenaed all documents and information in printed and electronic form, including e-mails and text messages, and everything related to these two cases. On March 30, the Legal Committee of the Archdiocese, chaired by Mrs. Kathy Walsh,…

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Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Karen Herzog Not unlike the Apostle Peter, the Rev. James Dokos betrayed his church. While Peter denied knowing Jesus, Dokos embezzled more than $100,000 from Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Wauwatosa while serving as the parish priest. Dokos used the money to buy jewelry for his wife and to pay for lavish dinners and everyday expenses, according to court records. On Sunday, the start of Holy Week in the Greek Orthodox Church, the new leader of Midwestern Greek Orthodox parishes came to Wauwatosa to discuss betrayal, forgiveness, and trust — themes that particularly resonate with Christians this time of year. In advance of his visit, Metropolitan Nathanael Symeonides told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel…

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Source: Orthodox Christian Network Originally published in our Sounding Blog in January 2017, the OCN is again sharing this post as Giannis Antetokounmpo of the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks is making news again.  For more on this story, check out this video from CBS News 60 Minutes.  There are times I find it difficult to attend Church. As a Greek Orthodox parishioner and father of a multi-cultural family, I hear the words that are whispered. You’re not Greek, are you? The Church is for Greek people first. There are two types of people, Greeks and those who want to be Greek. Statements like…

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Source: Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America With the blessings of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America, the Order of Saint Andrew, Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in America, was pleased to have Hank Hanegraaff, popularly known as “The Bible Answer Man,” as its retreat speaker for the 15th Annual Archon Lenten Retreat, March 15-18, 2018. The retreat was held at the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church of the Hamptons, hosted by Father Alexander Karloutsos, Archon Spiritual Adviser and Father Constantine Lazarakis, Pastor. Nearly 100 Archons, spouses and participants attended the retreat which allowed everyone…

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