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Orthodox News Top Stories

Source: Amador Ledger Dispatch by Eric Winslow Seasoned Jackson residents knew enough to expect gunshots coming from Main Street on January 7. This year, what they did not anticipate was shots fired from the four cardinal directions on the previous night of January 6. Shotgun blasts have been a local Christmas tradition in these parts since grubstake days. The custom was brought here all the way from the similarly rolling-hill country of Serbia and Montenegro. To be precise, there are now two traditions involving gunfire: one is an old Serbian Orthodox custom which is new to the foothills just this…

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Source: Orthodox Church in America WASHINGTON DC [OCA] – Friday, January 22, 2016 marks the 43rd Anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States, on which Orthodox Christians from across the country will gather in the US Capital for the annual March for Life or participate in similar regional gatherings. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon will join other Orthodox Christian hierarchs, students from OCA seminaries, and clergy and faithful from around the country in the annual March, which will conclude with prayers on the steps of the US Supreme Court building for the victims of abortion.…

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Source: Balkan Insight The Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro has urged the authorities to organize a referendum on NATO membership after Russian clerics and political leaders voiced their opposition. by Dusica Tomovic – BIRN – Podgorica The Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro said that it was its “pastoral and civic” duty to ask for a referendum on NATO membership – a call which echoed demands made by Russian politicians and clerics after the Western military alliance invited Podgorica to join last month. “It is our duty in the name of the Church that gave birth to Montenegro… to say that it is…

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Source: Christian Science Monitor The Russian Orthodox Church sees itself as the spiritual generator of public policy and the ideological bulwark of the state. Under Putin, priests have become fixtures in the military, schools, and other public institutions. By Fred Weir, Correspondent MOSCOW — Baikonur Cosmodrome may lie in Kazakhstan, but it is an iconic symbol of modern Russia: the coming together of cutting-edge science and Space Age power. But just before the mid-December blastoff of the latest Soyuz mission to the International Space Station, the countdown procedure was halted to allow a robed and bearded Russian Orthodox priest a…

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Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS Rev. Anastasios Gounaris, former presiding priest of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Tarpon Springs, FL, who last June abruptly left his parish and family and departed the United States for an unknown destination, now lives in Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada with his mistress, Patricia T., TNH has learned. The love story between Fr. Gounaris and Canadian Patricia, who is said to be wealthy, began in 2012 or even before that in Chania, Crete, where she and her husband are building a summer home for their retirement there. Both Gounaris and…

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Source: The National Herald BY THEODORE KALMOUKOS NEW YORK. The year 2010 marked the establishment of the men’s Byzantine choir of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, which possesses an authentic ecclesiastical character and performs hymns solely in the Greek language. The choir was the initiative of Archbishop Demetrios. It is comprised of young Greek-Americans who possess a mastery of the Greek language and Byzantine music, being cantors at various communities of the Direct Archdiocesan District in New York. The choir is under the care and promotion of Archdeacon Panteleimon Papadopoulos. In speaking with the National Herald, Archdeacon Panteleimon, who…

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Source: The National Herald BY CONSTANTINE S. SIRIGOS NEW YORK – While the dollar amount of the pledges to the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox National Shrine is impressive – $35.76 million to date – communities rooted in humble origins in homelands like Greece are still touched by in-kind contributions, and on December 21 the principals and families of the Titan Group and Corona Ready Mix received a special tour of the construction site at Ground Zero in appreciation of their donating all the concrete for the new Church. Father Alexander Karloutsos, Protopresbyter of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Archdiocese’s Executive…

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Source: Athens, December 17, 2015 “Adoption of the new law is officially opening the page of state persecutions against our faith. The politicians shamelessly refer to the European consensus concerning legalization of sodomy, but they conceal the fact that the post-Christian Europe has become Sodom and Gomorrah,” Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus is speaking of what is going on in Greece. Now that the so-called Anti-Racism Law which prohibits “discrimination” against homosexuals is adopted in Greece, it is time for the next step: to secure the legal status of “same-sex unions”. Metropolitan Ignatios of Larisa and Tyrnavos: “Sin is being…

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Source: Christian Science Monitor By Harry Bruinius, Staff writer An estimated 30 million Americans are former churchgoers who nevertheless keep faith in God. Here are some of their stories. Kyle Rice pretty much stopped going to church a few years ago. But the marriage and family therapist in Torrington, Wyo., has hardly abandoned his Christian faith – or his deep longing to share it with others and experience God’s love within a community of believers. Mr. Rice, who is in his late 20s, has simply found that what he calls “the Sunday morning experience” – that is, the traditional institutions…

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Source: ARCHPRIEST PANAYIOTIS PAPAGEORGIOU, PH.D. The issue of the time of the birth of Christ has been addressed by many people in the past, both scholars and theologians, so what I intend to do here is present an overview trying to bring some clarity to the topic for those who are really concerned that the 25th of December may not be the correct time to celebrate Christmas. Let me start by saying that there are two pieces of evidence, which people present in support of the position that Christ was not born in December: The first one is the…

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Source: The National Herald ST. LOUIS – As Christmas approaches, with interfaith family gatherings part of the holiday for many, some well-informed Catholic and Orthodox guests might comment on the steady progress made in the relationship between their churches in recent years. A two day observance of the 50th Anniversary of the start of the historic consultation that was begun after Rome and Constantinople lifted their mutual 900 year-old anathemas was held at St. Louis University October 9-10 and featured speakers from the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox Faiths. The university and the St. Irenaeus Orthodox Theological Institute were sponsors of…

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Source: Orthodox Observer NEW YORK – The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Internet Ministries has launched two new websites as part of the new .BIBLE top level domain (TLD) initiative. The .BIBLE TLD joined .com and .org this past year as a new option for website addresses on the Internet. The websites are: and The Department of Internet Ministries is one of only a select number of key ministry partners of the American Bible Society participating in this initiative in 2015. American Bible Society is administering the new .Bible TLD, with the aim to open up a new…

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